Part 18

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I want to believe Lindsey. He hasn't given me any reason not to trust him or doubt him. Ever since we started dating, he's been very attentive and caring, he hasn't gone for hours without an explanation, he hasn't done anything for me to start questioning him. But Farrah, her, I don't trust. They were a couple for a long time and she is the mother of his child after all. Why wouldn't she want him back? Maybe she thinks that mine and Lindsey's relationship is just temporary simply because of our age difference, maybe she thinks we're going to get bored of each other when the excitement wears off and she's going to be there, waiting for Lindsey with open arms. I don't know what's going through her mind, but I know that I'm not giving up on Lindsey so easily. 

I decided to go home not because I wasn't convinced when Lindsey explained himself. I just needed some time alone to think it all through. I guess, I didn't realize how hard relationships, real relationships are. This was the first of many hurdles in our way. I wanted to make sure that I'm ready for it, ready for whatever the future holds for us. And the answer is yes - I am ready. 

Lindsey respected my request and he hasn't called. I've spent a couple of days with my Dad, I told him what's going on. Sure, he's not the biggest fan of Lindsey, but he's trying. He didn't immediately accuse Lindsey and bought Farrah's story, which I'm sure was hard for him to do. He said, Lindsey's explanation sounded reasonable enough and whatever I decide to do, I should follow my heart. That surprised me, a lot actually. I hope that my father has started to see that this isn't just me, doing the opposite of what he wants, that I do have feelings for Lindsey and this relationships is serious.

"Stevie, you've got a visitor!" I hear my Dad's voice from downstairs and I jump out of bed, rushing down the stairs, hopeful it's Lindsey.

And it is. 

I smile widely when I see him and I don't care that my Dad is right there with us, when I wrap myself around Lindsey tightly, giving him a big kiss.

"I was afraid, you weren't going to be happy to see me." Lindsey chuckles nervously, eyeing my father. 

"I was going to call you, really." I add. Taking him by the hand, I drag him upstairs. 

"Leave the door open!" My Dad yells.

"Gross, Dad!" 

"Well, that wasn't awkward or anything." Lindsey says, when I show him to my room.

"I'm just happy you're here." I smile up at him, sliding my hands up his chest. "We're okay. I'm sorry I overreacted."

"You had every right to ask me those questions and have doubts, Stevie." He shrugs, locking his hands on the small of my back. "And I saw Farrah about it. She's not pregnant, she got the test from a friend." Disgusting. "She said..." He sighs. "She just wanted to mess with you."

"And cause trouble." I look down, but Lindsey tilts my chin up.

"I'm going to repeat myself here, but I love you, Steph. I'm all in. I'm not looking elsewhere."

It brings a smile to my face, I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him on the lips gently. "I like it when you say that."

"What, that I love you?" He grins, his hands now moving a little lower.

"Mhm..." I nod. "And I love you." Placing my hands on his face, I pull him down for a kiss, a more passionate one this time.

Before I know it, we're on my bed, making out like teenagers. His hands are everywhere and I moan into his mouth, when he captures my lips forcefully. I tug at the hem of his T-shirt and it's almost up over his head, when I hear footsteps. My eyes widen and I push Lindsey off me with a lot more strength than I intended to, which causes him to land on the floor.

"Jesus, Stevie!" He groans.

"Oh my God, Linds, I'm so sorry." I get down to help him up, but I can't help it as I start giggling. Lindsey gives me a look, but then starts laughing as well.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

We sit down on the bed and I rest my head on his shoulder. "I just didn't want to get caught." I whisper just as my Dad passes my room.

"I get it. I didn't know you were so strong." Lindsey kisses my hair. "Good to know." He says and I look up, a smirk on his face. "I've never thought at thirty seven, I'm going to be sneaking around with my girlfriend, afraid her father might come in."

"Yeah. Maybe we should go home, so we don't have to be afraid." I smile, trying to appear innocent, but Lindsey knows me and he knows I've got things on my mind.

Quickly grabbing my things, I then redress and find my Dad in his bedroom. I tell him that we're leaving and say goodbye. Hand in hand, Lindsey and I walk outside and into his car, he opens the door for me and I smile, thanking him. The drive to his apartment or should I say, ours, is silent mostly, but it's a comfortable silence. I glance at Lindsey and before I look away, he faces me.


"Nothing." I shake my head, smiling at him.I cover his hand with mine and turn to look out the window. "Nothing at all."

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