Part 10

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Farrah invited me for dinner. I'm not sure why, but I want to be on good terms with her, so I agreed. It wasn't as awkward as I thought it was going to be. I enjoyed a home cooked meal, we had casual conversation and I put Harry to bed. After a story he was out like a light. I can't lie and say it was an unpleasant evening, because it wasn't. 

Now it's just Farrah and I. She's got a glass of wine in her hand as we're sitting in her living room, rather close to each other. 

"I wasn't sure if you were going to accept my invitation." She says, taking a sip.

"I was surprised you asked me to come over." I tell her honestly, leaning against the back of the couch.

"Well, I just... I wanted to take care of you. Maybe I judged you too quickly. We've been seeing a lot more of each other and I miss you, Lindsey."

Uh-oh. Red flag. 

"Maybe not all is lost." Farrah leans into me, pushing her chest out. "We could pick up right where we left off." She puts her wine on the coffee table and her hand rests on my leg. "Do you miss me?"

"I, uh..." I fake a cough. Her hand is moving up. 

Without another word, she places her hand on the side of my face and turns me to her, reaching up to kiss me. I sit frozen, unsure what to do with my hands or my mouth. She's persistent, I feel the tip of her tongue brush my lip. 

"No, I can't do this." I shake my head, pushing Farrah away. "I'm not single."

She frowns. "When did you find yourself a girlfriend?" Then the realization hits her. "It's that child, isn't it?"

"Stevie's not a child, but yes. I'm seeing her."

Farrah laughs, throwing her head back. "You can't be serious! Is she even of legal age?"

"She's twenty one. I like her, okay? It's none of your business, so stay out of it." I say firmly. 

"What do you do when you're together? Does she let you play with her dolls?" Farrah mocks me, giving me a pointed look.

"Believe it or not, Stevie and I have a lot in common. She might be twenty one, but she's smart and she's fun to be around."

"Yeah, right." Farrah rolls her eyes. "What's your favorite activity? Building sand castles?"

"Enough!" I yell, getting up to my feet. "Stop saying this shit. You're just jealous."

"I'm jealous of a little girl? Come on, Lindsey." Farrah shakes her head. "Is she still a virgin? Does the thought excite you?"

"I'm leaving." I've had enough. Without a goodbye, I storm out of Farrah's apartment and into my car.

I have to calm down, before I turn the engine on. I rarely ever smoke these days, but I take one out of the pack I've got in the car and light it up. I feel guilty. I wasn't even the one who initiated the kiss, but I feel guilty and I've got to tell Stevie.

I call her cellphone and I wait for a moment before she picks up. I ask if she's busy or not and if she wants to come to my place. Stevie doesn't need much encouragement and I'm on my way to the Nicks' mansion. It's dark outside already, I park my car near knowing I won't be seen and wait for Stevie.

"Hey." She greets me, getting into the car, giving me a kiss. 

"Hey." I start the engine again and drive us to my flat. 

I explain to Stevie where I came from and what happened with Farrah. She doesn't seem to be too upset, she says, she expected that to happen. Why, I'm not sure. Maybe she picked up on the fact Farrah was jealous, when she saw Stevie.

"I'd like it if you stayed the night." I suggest, showing Stevie to enter my apartment. It's a bold offer, considering we're taking things slow, but I want her company.

"I've got my pajamas and my toothbrush right here." Stevie smiles, showing me her bag. 

Now that I know I'm not going to be driving anywhere else tonight, I grab us both a beer from the fridge. We settle down in my bedroom, where I've got a record player and we listen to some of my favorite albums, which surprisingly turn out to be Stevie's too. She likes classic rock and blues, I love that. 

It's nice having Stevie in my arms, cuddled up close as we talk, while the music plays. We're not having a deep conversation, but we're getting to know more things about each other and I'm beginning to realize that I do want things to work out between us, I want a serious relationship. I hope Stevie doesn't get bored of me and the domestic life I've got to offer.

Stevie yawns and I check the time, it's nearing 2 am. Wow, time just flew by. I let her go to the bathroom, while I clean up the bedroom. When I come back, Stevie's taking off her jeans and T-shirt, I gulp. She's wearing a matching black set and I clench my fists, keeping myself from tearing the little pieces of garment off. I undress to my boxers, too and crawl into bed next to Stevie. She rests her head on my chest, her arm wrapping itself around my torso. I kiss the top of her head, holding her close. I fall asleep faster than I have in the past few months.

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