Part 5

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What happened last night, how did it happen, I'm not sure. Stevie kissed me and I could barely stop myself from taking her back to my place. She's exciting, she's young, beautiful and now I definitely know she's attracted to me. It would be silly of me to think she has never been with a guy before, not in this day and age. The way she came onto me, seduced me... she knew exactly what she was doing. I could tell she would have left with me if only I had suggested that, but she had been drinking before I showed up and I wouldn't want her to think I took advantage of her. If she's genuinely interested, we'll happen eventually.

It's my day off today. Terry and Sheila invited me over for dinner tonight, but that's hours away. Right now I'm on my way to my ex's place. I called Farrah and as soon as she heard my voice, she hung up. I've got every right to visit my son, I haven't seen him in weeks. 

I park my car outside the tall apartment building. Well, technically, it's my brother's car, but I'm allowed to use it until I can buy my own. I walk through the entrance and go into the elevator, waiting until I'm at the fifth floor. Taking a turn left, I stop in front of the door and ring the doorbell. 

The door opens after a minute and Farrah is not surprised to see me. I think she wants to close the door in my face, but I speak up, my voice sounding softer than usual.

"Just let me see Harry, just a couple of minutes." I plead, it's absurd that I have to beg so I can spend time with my boy. 

Farrah stares at me, her arms crossed. "There's something different about you."

"Well, I've showered, put on new clothes, shaved and oh, I've got a job." I tell her, she needs to know that. "I'm not a bad influence on him, you know that."

"You did put a man into a wheelchair." She shrugs her shoulders, sounding nonchalant. 

I sigh, breaking eye contact. "I made a mistake."

She hesitates,  then opens the door wider. "Just so you know, you and I are not getting back together. This doesn't mean anything for us."

Right now, I couldn't care less about her. I'm interested in someone else. I don't say that out loud of course. 

I follow Farrah into the living room and I see my son, sitting in front of the TV, watching a cartoon. He's clutching a teddy bear, I gave it to him two years ago on his first birthday.

"Hey, buddy." I smile, sitting down beside Harry.

His eyes grow wide and he squeals. "Daddy!" He forgets all about his cartoon, launching himself at me. 

"I've missed you so much." I tell him, holding him close to my chest, my eyes closed, because I'm tearing up. "I love you, son."

"Love you!" Harry repeats after me and I catch a glimpse of Farrah, standing a few steps away from us. She's smiling. 

I spend an hour or so, playing with Harry and his toys. We do a puzzle, the pieces are so big, it doesn't take us very long. My boy's smart and I'm sure he'll do great things with his life. It's sad that it didn't work out between Farrah and I. We're not madly in love, but we were good together and we do have a son. When I called her from a jail cell that night, she told me loud and clear - we're done.

When it's time to leave, I hug Harry close, repeating over and over again how much I love him, kissing his chubby cheek, ruffling up his hair as I stand up. I say goodbye to Farrah, thanking her for letting me come in. She tells me, I can come over whenever I want. Maybe things aren't so shitty after all, it seems like it's getting better.

I know it's not even near to 7 pm, but Terry won't mind if I show up early. And I'm right, once I get there, my best friend welcomes me into his home, thrusting a beer into my hand the second I take a seat outside on the patio. We talk about my reunion with Harry and Terry's happy for me. He's such a good guy.

Then Sheila calls Terry inside for something and I'm left alone. It only just hits me that Stevie's on the other side of the fence. I turn my head slightly and unfortunately, I see Jerry swimming in the pool. I sigh. But then I jump, startled by something hitting my head. 

I bend over to pick up a crumpled piece of paper and unfold it, a grin spreading across my face.

Last night was nice, but I want more. All of you...

S xx 

This girl is playing a dangerous game.

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