Chapter 12

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Lorccán had set the next dance for the tomorrow night, everyone had been notified as they were leaving last night. Finn had relaxed slightly knowing that the queens animals were safe and that he was wife-finding-dance free for a few more hours. I could see the anxiety in him, he had visibly tensed when his father spoke of it. When we returned to his quarters, he was acting peculiar. I was readying for another fight with him. Expecting him to tell me something I wasn't wanting to hear. His movements were curious, rushing to his room after telling me to be waiting by mine. When he emerged he had a suitcase in his hands.

"Pack your things."


He grinned as he walked past me, tossing a small suitcase onto the bed and then moving into my robe. Every single piece of casual clothing that he had bought for me was tossed onto the bed and neatly folded into the bag. Including that awful bikini.

"Where are we going? No more secrets, tell me please."

"Faldrid Resort."

"Does your father know of this?"

"Of course he does. He thinks it's a brilliant idea, to get away from the nonsense of that threat, to try and mend the rift between myself and my body guard."

"And the rescheduled dance tomorrow night?"

"We will be back in time."


"Different time zone, where we are going it is this morning, we will stay overnight and return tomorrow afternoon. Easy."

Finn had been doing a fair amount of things without my knowledge. Not that I really cared but it was a pretty good indication that I did not pay enough attention to him. He was able to pack a bag for himself, talk to his father about it and organise the driver to drop us at the gates for mid jump without me noticing. As I pulled my bag off the back of the carriage, I thought about this little holiday he had planned. When did he do that? Finn had the craziest grin on his face as the driver pulled the horse and carriage away from us, leaving us to continue through the gates.

"When did you plan this?"

"The other day."

"When you disappeared, is this what you were doing?"

He shrugged as he stepped through the gate, no doubt trying to avoid the conversation.

"Are you insane? Why couldn't I be there for that?"

"Because you would have tried to stop me, wouldn't you? It's not safe Finn, stay at the castle Finn, don't leave the protection of the guards Finn."

I squinted at him as he closed the gate and entered the code for the resort. The door swung open to a tropical paradise, a warm wind hit us as we stepped through.

"I just wanted to get away and relax, without being told it wasn't safe."

"It's not." I grumped.

"But you think that you are the worlds best body guard Aaliyah." he grinned smugly "Surely you don't have any issues looking after me in a different location? Surely it should make no difference where we are, so long as you are with me, right?"

"Don't be a smart arse."

It was only a short walk from the gate to the resort, palms lined both sides of the path shading us. We turned onto the paved path, a large thatched roof greeted us as we walked the short path to the reception.

"Good afternoon and welcome to Faldrid Resort. Checking in?"

"Reservation under Stiofán."

She flicked the pages of her book and grinned.

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