Chapter 18

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We had returned to the castle by mid morning, Finn needing to be back for a formal lunch function. He was very amorous leading up to the full moon, the heightened lust was unbearable for both of us. I laid in bed, staring out the castle window, to the sky outside. The butterflies flittered past, enjoying the pleasant weather. I was seeing them everywhere now, maybe I was more focused on them but it was like they were stalking me. Finn snuggled into me, his arm draped over me. I could feel him smirk against the skin of my shoulder when he woke. He moved down my body, placing little kisses down my back and onto my waist. When he reached my abdomen he sniffed and frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"You're not on heat." the frown deepened into his brow as he sniffed further down my abdomen. "You should be."

I shrugged at him, not knowing why.

"Well, don't forget your tablet." he rolled over and stood from the bed.

"What tablet?"

He stopped pulling his pants on and looked at me.

"The tablet that stops you from getting pregnant."

He said it in a tone that was almost like I should have known that.

"What are you talking about?" I sat up thoroughly confused. "What's wrong with the injection that you guys are supposed to get?"

"Oh that." he said dryly as he zipped up his jeans. "Never worked properly, that's why it's the chicky babes that take the tablets now."

He picked up his shirt and stopped to think about it.

"You never knew about the tablets?"

I shook my head.

"I didn't come back for full moon for the sex, I would come back so I don't end up killing the humans I lived with."

In a flash he had me pushed onto the bed, his hand on my stomach, his eyes closed. I could feel a tingling through my body, he was searching through my abdomen area.

"Fuck." he hissed under his breath. "Did you do this on purpose?"

"Do what on purpose?"

"You're pregnant."

His accusation stung, it was harsh and cruel. Like I had intentionally done this to trap him. In one little question he had put me in the same grouping as all my predecessors. He had effectively called me a gold digger because he thought I had planned this. But I hadn't. I was not a gold digger, I did not want his money and as for being queen one day, I'd rather eat dirt. I had more than enough money to carry myself without anyone's assistance, let alone his. He paced back and forth, his eyes were black with anger, he stopped once more and looked at me, cruelly digging the knife just a little deeper.

"This is your fucking fault Aaliyah." 

Then he loudly huffed and opened the door, taking one last  look at me. I sat there completely shocked as he stormed out, doors slamming in his wake, more curse words being snapped out loudly as he left. It was like I was plunging into the depths of a watery abyss, struggling to breath and to see anything. Darkness consumed me, pulling me into a pit of despair, wondering what I was going to do now. Clarity snapped me out of my morose thoughts, it was like that first intake of air when breaching the water. The world around me became clear, I could think again. He wasn't happy about it. He talked of a wife and children but when he has them in his future he completely loses it. Why? Why does he not tell his father of us? He hasn't exactly run off to tell him, surely his father is back from his meeting by now. He had said that he had found someone so much better, that I was so much better, but was I? Were his words of love a lie to continue the sex? And now, he finds out that I'm pregnant to him and he walks out, clearly unimpressed. It hit me hard, one soul crushing thought that broke my world. I was a convenient lay and nothing more. He never wanted something permanent with me, he wanted the right now with me. And now that I was pregnant, he saw his life draining away, being permanently attached to the woman he never really wanted. Kieander's haunting words from the second dance came flooding back to me. He was never really interested in them. He went through a stage where they were just play toys to him. After a few weeks they would have been done with anyway. That was it, that's what I was, clearly nothing had changed. He was never going to tell his parents about us because there never was going to be an us. I was just the fool that opened her legs for the dashing prince, like so many had done before. Maybe he was right to group me with those others. I didn't want the money but I had been spellbound by him. I was exactly like those women. I was a fool.

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