Chapter 5

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By the time we returned to the castle, the king was waiting for his update. I think he was secretly pleased when Finn told him that he had ended it with Alina, although he hid it and showed concern for his sons well being. After a brief conversation with his son about it, Lorccán gave him some brief words of loving fatherly advice about moving on, that it was for the best and that now he could look to a bright future with someone far better. He didn't wish to speak ill of the queen but both men knew there was no future for Finn with her. She was married and regardless of what arrangements she had made with her husband, Finn was just a third wheel. Finn nodded quietly as he sat and listened, never objecting or complaining. Just quietly taking it all in. Lorccán was slowly pacing the room by the front window, talking of his son's future, the dance that was coming up at the weekend and what he would expect of his son. Show an interest, talk to them, find similarities, look for the positives but do not forget the negatives. We don't want a queen that is cold to her husband. I looked at Finn with a sympathetic smile, it was all I could offer him in such an awkward conversation. He feigned a smile back at me, it was kind of half hearted but it was still very sweet. His attention returned to the thread at the bottom of his shirt, listening as his father continued. Lorccán dismissed his son, telling him to have the maids attend to the bags of clothes I had brought back. Finn looked at me with concern on his face, wondering what kind of conversation I was about to have with his father. He remained silent as he collected my things and departed the room.

"How are you finding it here Aaliyah?"

"Everyone is very accommodating, I am grateful for your kindness for such fine lodgings. I am sure the servants quarters would have been more than sufficient."

Lorccán grinned at me as he leaned back into his chair.

"Of course, but we can't have you too far away now, can we?"

I bristled at his words, feeling the heat rush to my cheeks. Did he hear Finn mutter those words to me? Was he being cheeky and he knew what his son and I were doing behind closed doors? I watched him carefully as he turned on his seat and flicked through the pile of paper on his left. The humour had died from his face, clearly it was coincidence. I could feel myself relax slightly.

"He seemed ok, didn't he?"


"Ending it with the queen, he seems annoyed but not visibly upset."

"Maybe he knew it was time to move on." I shrugged "As for his true feelings I am afraid I do not know him well enough to be able to gauge that."

"Well I am sure you will be able to deal with that problem Aaliyah, I have great faith in your abilities. You have several days leading up to the dance to learn his mannerisms. I feel it would be wise for this, to learn his facial expressions, to know what he is thinking without entering his mind. That way if he needs to escape from an entrapment on the dance floor, you will be able to move in and deal with the problem with little issue. Take before for an example. I could see he was not upset but rather annoyed. Clearly things had not gone as he had planned. He sat there with little words to be spoken, the look on his face was utter boredom. Of course he thinks that I can not see what his true feelings are, he forgets that parents have eyes in the back of their heads." he grinned at me with a twinkle in his eye "I can tell there is something amiss with my son, yet to discover what it is but only time will tell."

I nodded as I thought about my previous predicament, something I wanted to ask Lorccán about.

"Your highness, I wish to ask a question in relation to my briefing."

"Of course."

"Prior to his meeting with the queen we had a very heated discussion about his protection whilst with the queen. I understand that it was a private moment but he would not see reason. To me this is a failure on my part, I let him win the battle and persuade me that he would be fine. I do not wish to be some tattle tale but I can not have a recurrence of this morning. My mind keeps going around in circles that already I have failed, he could have been hurt and I would not be there to protect him. I know my orders are from you but we both know that your son out ranks me and can order me to do as he pleases."

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