Chapter 6

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What could I say? Thanks for the great meal but this is a little odd. Surely I should be eating with the staff. Ok, I get that we ate together last night, but that was off the land, rather informal. This is just not normal. He should be eating with his family, I should be with the staff, end of subject.

"Are you going to eat tonight or are you going to sit there and stare at your meal?"

I looked up at Finn who had already started to eat like it was a normal night, a normal meal. Like it was nothing. Nervously I reached for the cutlery, my fingers sliding along them feeling the coldness under my fingers. My fingers twitched with the nerves, jumping when Finn put his cutlery down abruptly.

"It's too quiet, isn't it?"

"Uh, I suppose so." I shrugged as I looked up at him.

He nodded and got up from the table, doing something at the book case behind him. Music shot out from around us, the soft melody echoing through the room.

"Where and how?" I frowned at him.

"Solar panels out there."

He gestured to the windows to our side, there was a tiny court yard that held nothing more than a few garden beds of flowers. Beyond it was another wall with a sliding door, the curtains beyond it were drawn.

"That's one of the girls rooms, they wanted flowers in their garden. Solar panels are on the roof."

"Did you put them in?"

"Yeah." he grinned "You are not to tell my father, he would have a meltdown at me about climbing up to the roof."

"You are so flippant with your well being."

"It's climbing, we were built for it Aaliyah."

"Did you have safety equipment?" I said smugly knowing he wouldn't have had anything.

He scoffed at me as he rolled his eyes, ignoring the question. The music seemed to do the trick, relaxing me and easing the tension that had been building. I tried not to over think the situation as I ate the meal, hoping that it was nothing more than a meal and we were eating together out of convenience.

The maid had come and collected the empty plates, I was sitting on the lounge by the fire trying to warm myself. Music still filled the room, songs that I had never heard before. It had to be from the vampire realm, there was no recording devices in our own world. It was all live and was pretty much orchestral. But this was definitely not orchestral, it was lively and interesting. Hudson never listened to music, with the constant power outages it wasn't worth it. So I had no clue what the current trends were or even what the golden oldies were. I was in a blissful bubble of ignorance. Finn was clearing away the table, I was ordered to wait on the lounge much to my annoyance. But there was something far worse building in the pit of my stomach, I was beginning to feel anxious again. During our dinner the discussion had turned to the school system and in particular to dance lessons. They were deemed to be necessary but not compulsory and because I had been educated in the public system rather than the private, I was in the category of teach them what is necessary and nothing more. Finn had scowled and huffed, very unhappy with the fact that the public system were not adhering to his fathers orders. And of course because I had not been taught what his father thought was necessary, I was about to get an education in dancing. I stated unequivocally that it was not necessary and was faced with one very unimpressed Finn who clearly thought it was necessary. I could barely stand in these things, the thought of dancing in them was daunting. Finn took the remote and changed the music to something that would be played at the ball. I wanted to shrink into the lounge. Maybe I could slip off the lounge and crawl my way around the back of the lounge and hide in my room. Under the bed. Or maybe in the bathroom. Yep, that sounds good, he would never disturb me if I went in there. A shadow loomed over me, when I stopped thinking of my escape route and biting my lip, I looked up seeing him grinning like a loon at me. He leaned over to whisper in my ear.

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