Chapter 9

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My kindness towards Endra was about to be repaid, she and another maid had come to help me ready for the ball. I hadn't realised when I was mindlessly chatting to her yesterday, but I had in fact mentioned that I knew nothing of a glamorous life. I had lived my life make up free, my hair pulled into a bun as was required of me. And now I had two women helping me, doing all sorts of things to my hair and my face. Things were being sprayed everywhere, stuff was being put on my face. I was eternally grateful for these women fussing around me, I had no clue about any of these things.

I looked down at the dress, the halter neck sparkly dress and wondered where my gun was going to sit.

"Is something wrong Aaliyah?"

Endra looked at me with slight concern.

"I have nowhere to put the gun."

"Oh." she said deep in thought. "Let me check with the guards, they may have something you could use."

After she left I looked at the gun in my hand, hoping that it was all rather unnecessary. She returned a few minutes later with a holster to wrap around my leg.

"Gee I hope that any perp has time to wait while I find my way through the fluff."

They giggled at me. A knock at the door distracted the other maid from me. Endra was at my feet, she tightened the strap a little too tight.

"Your highness." she murmured as she curtsied and then looked over at me.

"Yes, yes, it's fine."

The candles flickered in the soft breeze that wafted through the room. I slipped the gun into the holster as she opened the door fully, Finn was standing at the door in his full military suit, the sash, the medals. He stared at me as the maid flicks the layers of the dress down, hiding the gun. A flick of his hand and the maids scurried out of the room before I could even thank them for their efforts. And I really wanted to as well. Finn walked over slowly, not saying a word until he is right in front of me. 

"You look amazing."


I swear I must go several shades of red, probably the same colour as my eyes. He held out his arm expecting me to take hold of him, he was looking at me with a very formal attitude. One that almost said that he wasn't prepared to take a negative reaction. I slipped my hand into the corner of his arm, moving out to the main area of his quarters. 

"I hope that you realise that tonight I shall be requesting many dances from you, I hope you are wearing appropriate footwear."

"No." I groaned with despair.

"Oh well." He chuckled darkly.

We passed through the castle slowly, Finn was clearly in no hurry. In fact, it seemed like he was taking the longest route possible. I could have sworn I saw the same vase twice. His other hand was on mine, it tightened over it as we stopped, he looked at me with a strange look on his face. I didn't think we were lost, surely he knew the way around his own home. Finn looked up and down the corridor, we were alone. Out of nowhere, not a word said, he pushed me to the wall and kissed me. Hard. Fast. Passionate. I let out a soft groan as he pressed me harder into the wall, pinning me under his weight. Then he stopped and moved away from me, lust was simmering through the both of us.

"That room there." he gestured to the door beside us "An empty office, open the door."

"But the dance." I frowned at him "We agreed yesterday!"

"I know you think we agreed but you suggested and I accepted, I never agreed with it."

"You want to continue even though out there might be your wife?"

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