Chapter 15

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When I woke late in the morning, Finn wasn't in the bed, I assumed he was off telling his father about us. I stretched with a happy grin plastered from one ear to the other, remembering the blissful bubble that we had last night. Exploring our bodies and our love, being taken to the heights of passion as we made love by candle light. With my carnal grin slicked over my flushed face, I curled the sheets over me and snuggled in to keep warm. Finn walked in a few minutes later in a very good mood, snuggling into me from behind.

"Did you go and see your father?"

"He left early for a meeting."

"So that would be a no then."

"Uh, yeah I guess so."

"Do you not want to tell him, is that what it is?"

"Don't be ridiculous."

"You didn't answer the question."

"Of course I want to tell him, why wouldn't I? I can't help it that he left early for a meeting."

I would have loved to huff at him, but he was technically right. The bed sheets slipped down our bodies as his hand flattened on my hip, naughtily wandering lower. I gasped at his cool fingers as they slipped between my legs, he was kissing the curve of my neck as he adjusted one leg over his. Exposing me. I gasped again as his fingers explored deeper, pulling back and stroking the skin. Arching back against him, I could feel the tingle ignite the fire. His other hand was wrapped around my body, gently caressing my breast, holding me hard against his chest. As he gently breathed against my ear, his fingers continued to stroke me, taunting me with little spurts of pleasure. This wasn't normal ecstasy, this was his doing. I could feel the pressure of his presence in my body, stoking the fire as it grew fast. Playful little circles and strokes, heated breath in my ear and a wolf mind game. His firm grip on me was never going to waiver, he wanted to feel it when it happened. He wanted the surge of feelings as it coursed it's way through me to rumble against his body. My body jolted with a tiny peak of sensations as his nails gently scratched over my skin, toying with me as his breath gave way to whispered words.

"Give me what I want." 

His voice was hot and husky as he continued his onslaught. He kissed down my neck and over my shoulder, as I reached to the back of his head, I could feel the soft strands of his hair as I laced my fingers through it. Urging him to me. When his tongue trailed back up my neck, I was done. The singular movement had caused the firecracker to ignite and as my body convulsed with the orgasm I moaned very loudly. I was still riding the wave of euphoria when his hand moved up my body to my jaw, turning my head to him. Softly he kissed me as if he might have more for me, though I doubted I could do anything other than lay in his arms. Finn chuckled as he nipped little kisses over me, my body shuddered as the euphoria finally settled.

"I feel like a swim." 

"Too cold." I sleepily murmured as I rolled over to face him.


I screeched with laughter as he picked me up and put me over his shoulder, leaving the bedroom for the pool area.

"Noooo, cold water, don't do it!"

"It's not cold, I've been in it already."

He set me to my feet and stripped off, dragging me into the cold water.

"Crazy." I shivered. 

"But there are some advantages." he grinned as he pulled me to him. "Like this, body heat and skin on skin contact."

"I could get that in a warm bed." I pouted.

"Hmm. How about a steaming hot bath?"

"Now that I could go for." I laughed. "Right now."

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