Chapter 6: Goodnight

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Connor got out of the self-driving taxi, hesitating whether or not he should go into Chloe's house. It was a late night and she needed rest, but Connor needed her for this investigation. He knocked on the door a few times, but nobody opened. Chloe heard the knocks but she was so exhausted, that she ignored them all until she heard glass break. Connor broke one of her windows. She could hear his voice outside, calling her name.


Chloe was so tired that she instantly fell asleep again, Connor walked around her house before he finally found her sleeping in her room. He sat down on her bed observing her. The way she slept was so calming, Connor analyzed her to see if she had any health problems. There was nothing except major exhaustion. Connor hesitated whether or not he should wake her up, she needed the rest but the investigation is more important, according to Amanda.

He slowly shook her body, it didn't work. He shook her faster, it didn't work either. Then he decided to try to wake her up by talking.

"Chloe..?" He calmly said. "Wake up, we have to go..." Connor continued. He actually did not want to wake her up, she looked so peaceful, breathing in and out. But he had to.

"...Chloe?" Connor said as he gently grabs her chin, stroking her cheek. What Connor didn't know was that Chloe was awake for all of this. She knew everything that was happening. "You're beautiful..." He whispered so that Chloe barely heard what he just said.

When he pulled his hand away from her he put it on her shoulder, slightly shaking her. "Wake up..." Finally Chloe slowly opened her eyes.

She looked out the window and then at Connor. "What time is it?"

"It's 1AM, I'm sorry that I'm interrupting your sleep. But I need you." He said as he helped her sit up on the bed. She quickly covered her body with the blanket when she realised that she was only in her undergarments.

"Okay, I'll get up." Chloe calmly said as she stared at him in the darkness, only the moonlight outside lighting up the bedroom. "Just give me five minutes."

"Yes, of course." Connor said as he got up and walked out of the room. He roamed through her house, analyzing everything. He saw a picture of a man, on the kitchen table. He observed it closely before he picked it to analyze it.

PO. Meadow, Jack

Born: 03/08/1979 //  Reported missing: 19/12/2037

Criminal record: None

He slowly put the picture down on the table. Chloe's dad is missing? He sighed as he saw Apple wandering towards him. He knelt down and gently stroked Apple. When Connor realised that Chloe named her cat Apple again, he quietly chuckled to himself. He got up when he saw that Chloe had walked into the bathroom. He looked around the house analyzing everything, to find out as much as he can about her.


Connor turned around, smiling. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, I am." Chloe smiled back as Connor walked to the front door. He unfolded the umbrella, holding it over their heads after he pushed the door open. Chloe walked outside, Connor following behind.

"Do you have the car keys?" He asked.

"Yes, right here." Chloe handed Connor the keys. "Where are we going anyway? I forgot to ask..."

"The Eden Club. A deviant is reported to murdered a man a little over an hour ago."

"Isn't the Eden Club a sex club?" Chloe asked as Connor opened the car door, holding it open so that Chloe could get in.

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