We were about a foot away from her when I stopped walking.

Jax looked back to me.

"I promise she's not going to hurt you if she gets to know you." He said.

He walked me closer to the dog.

Princess inched her snout closer to my palm.

She sniffed my hand.

Her nose brushed up against my palm.

She looked up at me and let out a small bark.

She stepped closer to me and gave a dog smile.

"See? She's harmless." Jax smiled

I crouched down next to her and scratched behind her ears.

"You're not so bad." I said.

She lifted her ears before licking my entire face.

I pushed her face away from mine.

"You're cute when you're not drowning me."

She let out a small bark.

She walked over to her bed and turned around once before laying down.

I guess a partner isn't so bad.

Jax walked up to me holding clothes in his hands.

"Here is your uniform." He handed it to me.

I took it from him and looked at it. "Thanks."

I was like the uniforms the guards were wearing downstairs.

"Also there is a gun in your desk drawer just in case."

"In case of what?"

"You never know." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes.

"There is a bathroom across the hall. If you need me there is a phone on your desk. just press the first button." he said before going to his office.

I went to the bathroom and changed.

Why is this bathroom nicer than mine?

I walked back out and there was a person in front of Jax's office door.

Princess kept the person from getting into Jax's office.

She was also growling at her as well.

"Get down you mutt!" The person yelled at her.

I rolled my eyes.


I whistled to get their attention.

Jessica looked at me but Princess kept her eyes locked on her.

I walked over to them.

"What are you doing here Jessica?" I asked.

"I came to see my fiancé!" She said.

"The trash can is behind you."

"I was talking about Jax!"

I snickered. "I knew you two were close but not that close."

"Just let me in."

"Well if Princess was growling at you when I need you to empty your pockets."

she sighed. "Fine."

She dumped out all of her continents in her purse and pockets onto my desk.

I Saved the CEO(SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now