HD ~ Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter 26

I disappeared again. This time, I had good reasoning. I graduated from college and got a job in accounting. That means tax season happened and I was working 10-11 hours a day. It was a lot, but worth it.

Aside from that, I do plan on finishing Felicity's story and then I'll either work on some major re-writes, finish River's story, or start a few new ones I've been toying with. I don't know, but I've got a lot of ideas floating around in my head and I would really get the words down somewhere.

This chapter is dedicated to Akiro_Rise! Thank you for the lovely comment and I hope I can relieve some of that suspense =]

Anyway, I hope everyone's doing well. Let's get on with this story.



I was horrified by the sight before my eyes. Every wolf in this clearing was matted with blood. Every wolf was engaged in some type of conflict. Every living wolf.

My mother had brought more warriors than there were men in Cole's coalition. In fact, it didn't even look like all of Cole's men were here. About half of them seemed to be missing. Was there another fight going on in another location?

My eyes scanned the battle field looking at the sea of wolves fighting against one another. I'd never seen a battle happening before my very eyes and I could tell by the expressions of most of Cole's men, that many of them hadn't either. Still, many fought with the skills of seasoned warriors. They're animalistic instincts helping them fight for their lives.

Yet, as I scanned the ground before me, I noticed that not all of them had been so lucky.


My breath caught in my throat before a small whine escaped my jaws. On unsteady legs, I stumbled over to his body as if I were a newborn foal walking for the first time.

As I approached, the scent of his blood became stronger and stronger. The clothes on his body were in tatters with claw marks and crimson stains. His throat had been torn out and it was hard to stare at anything other than the shredded flesh that was still pooling blood under his neck. The worst part was his empty eyes looking back at me. Those eyes once held so much joy and energy. Now they were just blank.

Once I was next to him, I phased back and dropped to my knees. My hands hovered over his body as I tried to process what was happening. I didn't know whether I should check for a pulse I know wouldn't be there or reach down to hold his lifeless hand against my chest.

Beyond me, wolves were still fighting oblivious to this moment. With shaking fingers, I closed his eyes and then ran them gently along his face. "I'm so sorry," I whispered.

This shouldn't have happened. I should've found a way to prevent this fight. Oliver shouldn't have died at seventeen. He shouldn't have died in a battle against my pack.

Except he did and I can't help but feel responsible for it.

Just as I was about to get up and do something to stop all this madness and chaos going on around me, I heard a loud bark. I scrambled to my feet and swung around to see the fight going on between my mother and my mate.

I phased back to my other form and watched as two white wolves covered in dirt, sweat, and blood attacked each other. It looked as if their fight had been going on for some time. A few wolves from my pack that were not engaged in combat, stood aside to watch what must be a historical confrontation.

My mother had quite a few bites and scrapes, but Cole looked to be getting the worst of it. He wasn't putting all of his weight on his back left leg and he had a nasty bite just above his rib cage on the same side. What stood out to me the most was the deep cut just under his right eye that my mother's claw had most likely inflicted.

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