Walking down the corridor, you glanced at each door you passed by, wondering which one Yoongi would push open, and what would hide inside. But he opened none of the ones on the ground level. The one you stood in front of now was located in the underground level of a separate building that was hidden by well kept trees and green bushes. For a second you thought Yoongi took you out in the garden to cool off, but when the second building came into sight your curiosity peaked. This residence was so much more Yoongi's style: classy and clean with many well hidden secrets. The doors here resembled the ones usually found in prisons, very sturdy looking. And there were quite a few. This particular one that Yoongi hesitated to open was at the end of the corridor, guarded by a muscular, angry-looking man. When the moment felt right, Yoongi pushed it open. He entered the dark room that was soaked in a smell that made your stomach turn. You contemplated whether it was worth stepping inside for two seconds. Then lights went on and you received the answer: hell yeah. On a metal chair - that resembled the ones used for electrocution - stood Namjoon, drenched in his own blood and sweat. Upon seeing him, the focus of your whole existence had fallen onto another target. Your skin tingled with desire for revenge. Blood had to be spilled for all the tears you have wept because of this one person stubbornly hanging on to his life. You were standing there, motionless, while on the inside a storm was building up. Yoongi was watching you, reading into every little expression, every twist of a muscle. You were tense, and soon about to explode. Without a warning, you lunged forward, full attack mode. One punch in the face, and Namjoon was back to his senses. Tears were tumbling down your face as you muffled cries of pain. All this time you have waited for this very moment of face to face confrontation, all the rage bottled inside, it washed over you like a tsunami. Such a perfect blend of emotions hard to define. Namjoon rolled his head and lifted it to meet the eyes of the attacker. A chuckle left his bloody lips. He was not surprised.

"Nice to see you well and living, Y/N. How's Taehyung?"

The way he muttered those words, with such pride and arrogance added gasoline to the fire in your heart, so another punch was to be expected. And obviously, another laughter from Namjoon, after he spit the blood flooding his mouth.

"Ow, he must not be doing so well. Tragic."

This time Yoongi stepped in, blocking your view. "Take it easy, Y/N, you have plenty of time." He noticed you had been massaging your fists after each punch. "Use whatever tool you need, and be cautious, he's a sly snake."

You nodded. You were so caught up in emotions that words got stuck in your throat.

"Can I trust you'll be ok?" he asked to make sure.

"Oh, come on! I appreciate the villain you're making me to be, but as you can see I am tightly tied to this shitty chair. You need to make some improvements here, if you ask me-"

"Shut the fuck up, shitface, I was not talking to you," Yoongi cut in. He dug his fingers into Namjoon's jaw to make sure he kept it shut.

"I'll be fine," you confidently said. It was like a switch went off causing you to feel nothing, no grief, no remorse, nothing but emptiness. You were ready and set on getting that well deserved revenge that you so deeply desired.

Yoongi nodded in your direction. He trusted you enough to believe you will get through with this. On his way out he leaned in to whisper into your ear. "Just one thing, kiddo, don't kill him. There are others more determined to do it. And if he does something just scream and the men outside will take care of it. Have fun!"

You stood there in front of Namjoon, pinning him with your deadly stare as you waited for the door to close behind Yoongi. When it did, you took a deep breath and let the darkness you've kept buried inside spread through your veins like a drug.

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