Drarry/Scorpius/Albus- Muggle AU P10

Start from the beginning

Anyway, when they arrived at their parents, they all ended up playing a video game, Scorpius and Albus competing against them. They decided to split into couple teams. Anvanna was on Scorpius' side, having more wins than he did, whilst Elena and Albus were winning. Lenna and Jason was last.

"Come on, Lenna!" Jason yelled, "No, you missed the turn- WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" He yelled whilst Scorpius was trying to help Anvanna, who shook him off. Albus was cheering and praising Elena.
"Oh, shut up!"
"No! This is why we're losing!"
"Because you won't shut up?!" She snapped, and Albus chuckled.
"Relax, sweetie. Want to give daddy a hug better?" Albus walked around the sofa and hugged her, Lenna gasping.
"Dad! Get off! I can't see!"
"That's the point!" Albus laughed and Jason gasped.
"Pass me the controller!" Jason said.
"I can't see!" She said and kicked when she felt somebody grab the controller. She gasped. "Sorry!"
"Jesus, Len, my stomach! Do you want this up your ass?!" He yelled and Albus laughed in Lenna's ear.
"Ugh! Don't threaten me! You like things up your ass, don't you?!" Lenna yelled and it went quiet, "God, you love my finger in there!"
Albus hesitated and then let go. She finally could see and saw Jason flushed bright red, the game paused and Scorpius smiling with his mouth open in shock, wide eyes at what just happened. Anvanna was gasping. Albus was glancing awkwardly between the couple whilst Elena was hiding her laughs.
Lenna just stared regretfully at Jason, who was staring at the floor. She promised not to tell anybody about that.
"Sh-shut up, Lenna." Jason muttered and Lenna bit her lip.
"Guys, I was kidding." She announced and Scorpius snorted.
"Looking at both of your faces, no. You was not."
"Uncle!" She hissed and Jason scratched the back of his neck.
"Uh, sorry, I just need the bathroom and I-"
"Jase, sweetie, come here." Elena opened her arms with a smile and he shook his head. So Albus pulled him in instead.
"Come on, man. Pleasure is pleasure-"
"Dad, stop." Lenna hissed, sticking his foot out to kick his bum.
"Ah, shut it, Len." Albus muttered and patted Jason's back, "Dude, don't feel embarrassed. We all get freaky when it comes to sex-"
"DAD!" Lenna shrieked, "I do not want to know about either your and mums or uncle and aunties sex lives!"
"I didn't say shit, Len." Albus let go of an uncomfortable looking Jason, "You know what sex is. You can hear the word without feeling awkward now."
"Not from my dad!" She muttered and he grinned.
"You used to tell me everything, hun. Come on. We've had many talks about this, sweetie."
"Albus, she's a bit old now-"
"She still tells me everything. Not sexual matters though." He said to Anvanna before glancing at Jason, "Saying that, how's your mouth? Heard you tripped over one of Mason's toys and smacked it on the floor."
"Hm, heard from who?" Jason glared at Lenna who shrugged.
"I was worried about you."
"Well don't." He snapped and Albus scoffed.
"I would smack your mouth again for using that tone with my daughter. Especially in front of me. But, as I must be non-violent-"
"Oh, daddy, show me your hand!" She jumped up excitedly and all the adults awed to themselves as Albus grinned and showed her his hands, "Nothing fresh! How long has it been since you were violent?"
"Now, Len, you know I can't talk-"
"I'm old enough now." She reassured with a laugh and he grinned proudly at Scorpius who smirked.
"It's been a year now, Len. Hasn't punched a tree or anything. Nightmares are less and less, aren't they, Al?" He grinned and Albus nodded, laughing as Lenna hugged him in excitement.
"Oh, dad! That's amazing!" She pulled back and kissed his cheek. "I'm so proud of you!"
He blushed. "Thanks, hun. That means a lot to daddy." He smiled and pinched her cheeks, making her laugh, "Still my little baby."
"Oh, did you hear from Angel?"
"Yeah. Coming back next month, ain't she? Why does she keep leaving us and going on these trips with that jerk of a boyfriend of hers?"
"No, dad," She laughed, "He's nice. And he likes you! She just gets away to explore the world, dad. You know she rings you every night." She grinned and he sighed, nodding.
"She does, yeah..."
"Daddy misses cuddling her." Elena said and Lenna cooed at him as he shrugged nervously.
"Dad, it's okay. We still love you and will cuddle you, even if we are like way too old now."
"You guys are still young kids compared to us." Anvanna scoffed and Scorpius raised an eyebrow.
"Are you calling me old, Anvanna? Are you? Because you know I fuck you like a teenager, sweetie. So who you calling old, huh?"
"Scorpius!" Anvanna hissed and Lenna groaned.
"God, uncle, you still do it?"
"Yeah. Of course I do." He grinned, "Gotta keep my boy in shape, don't I?" He grabbed his crotch and Albus covered Lenna's eyes as Anvanna huffed and kicked his hand away with her foot.
"Stop that. Let's get back to the game, yeah?"
Elena glanced at Jason and agreed, Scorpius laughing and nodding. Albus ran back to Elena and Lenna stood up and nervously approached the upset looking Jason.
"Come on, Jase..." She whispered, "You've known these guys since you were born. They're your family, and you know how freely they talk about sex. Don't worry about it."
"You promised not to tell and now they all think I'm weird." He mumbled and turned away from her touch. She laughed.
"No, they don't. Trust me. Who cares, man? So what you like me fingering you? You finger me. And god do I love that." She playfully moaned in his ear and he laughed gently, "I'm sorry, sweetie. But come on now. We're losing!"
"We've already lost." He muttered, "Man, you really deserve somebody like your uncle and dad and I'm just a loser. I'm like my dad, Len, you don't want that. Always yelling. Aggressive-"
"But Harvey always loves you and your dad. And he never once hurt you. He would never say a bad word to you. He loves you and he loves our son. Ben is just an angel, sweetie. You say you're just like your dad... Guess there was a reason why I had a crush on your dad." She teased but he just smiled, "Come on, Jase. You are the best dad," She grabbed his face, making him grin, "And the best boyfriend. Come on, sweetie. I will make it up to you later..." She batted her eyelashes at him and he blushed, grinning and biting his lip.
"Lenna, man..."
"Yes, Jason, man?" She teased and he grinned, shaking his head. Then he met her eyes.
"You know I love you? And you're amazing? And you could do so much better than me? You know all that?" He said gently, not seeing the adults pause the game and grin at them.
"I know you love me. I am quite amazing, aren't I?" She grinned as Jason laughed.
"You are."
"But so are you. Now stop belittling yourself, you are perfect," She kissed his lips, "And I love you for how you are. And Mason loves you. God, I've never saw somebody so attached to a parent-"
He coughed and then raised an eyebrow at her and she blushed.
"Fine, okay. Runs in the family."
He laughed and kissed her again. "I'm glad it's our family."
"Me too. I'm so glad he got your hair." She laughed and ran a hand through Jason's hair, making him playfully roll his eyes and blush.
"Man, can you leave my hair alone for at least one day?"
"No! Look how interesting it is." She mumbled to herself, laughing in amazement as it bounced back, "Gets me everytime."
"Stop that." He chuckled and brought her in for a tight hug. He kissed her shoulder and then he realised it was quiet. He blushed and glanced up, arms still clutching Lenna, and saw all the adults grinning at him.
Elena was cooing at him, Anvanna smiling, Scorpius smirking whilst Albus just nodded with a small, proud smile.
"Oh, uh... were you guys...?" He let go of Lenna who looked at him in confusement before turning around.
"Oh, god, don't let me have any privacy, huh?" Lenna muttered with a blush and Anvanna grinned.
"Now, you guys want privacy, there's a spare bedroom upstairs-"
"Vanna!" Scorpius snapped, "No. Both of you stay here." He placed a hand on Albus' tensed muscles and Elena snorted.
"Jesus, Scorps, they're bound to have had sex before. They have a son, y'know."
"El!" Albus hissed and she shot her hands up in defense.
"Sorry, Al!"
"Ugh. Whatever. I'm gonna go get some water." He stood up and they rolled their eyes as Elena smirked at him.
"Oh, I'll come, Albus."
Albus just grinned at her, letting her slip under his arm and just held her tighter as she kissed his neck.
"Okay," Scorpius muttered now that they'd left, "They're having sex in the kitchen. Vanna..." He grinned at her, "Bedroom, babe... Come on, now, my beautiful woman."
"Scorps!" She hissed and blushed, "No, let's keep our niece and Jason company-"
"We're going, actually." Jason said and tugged on Lenna's arm, who raised her eyebrows.
"We are?"
He gave her that look, and she looked down at his boner. She grinned.
"We are." He stated and she grinned.
"Should we delay picking up Mason?"
He nodded and she laughed, before turning around to be met with a snarling Scorpius.
"Uncle." She hissed and Jason squirmed uncomfortably.
"You think I don't get that you're offering her sex?" He snapped and Lenna huffed.
"You do it to auntie. I'm not a kid anymore, uncle." She laughed, "Jason is the father to my child. I can have sex with him all I want, uncle."
"She's right." Anvanna said but Scorpius just pulled Lenna closer to her.
"I'm just making sure you're okay. You'll always be my little niece who I have to protect." He squeezed her tighter, "I love you, Lenna."
"And I love you." She smiled and kissed his cheek, "But can you and dad lighten up? You aren't like this with Jane."
"Well, you see, your dad and uncle are sexist in thinking that the boys are different." Anvanna said and Lenna raised an eyebrow at the shrugging man.
"I want you to respect Jason just like when we were kids. And I want you to stop being like this with me if you're only doing it because I'm a girl because, quite frankly, uncle," She said as she smiled and kissed Anvanna's cheek before looking back at Scorpius, "I can beat Tommy's ass in a fight. Girl or no girl. So I can protect myself."
He grinned and playfully rolled his eyes before looking at Jason. "Now, I am not going to hug you with that boner of yours-"
"Uncle!" She scolded at the same time Anvanna hissed Scorpius! whilst Jason blushed and tried to cover it.
"But," He continued, "Love you, little man. Bring Mason over next time." He yawned, "You've always been my little man so he can be the little boy." He laughed and Jason laughed.
"Will do, Scorps. Love you. And I love you, Vanna."
"You too, Jase. Aw, come here, sweetheart." She opened her arms and Lenna snorted as he blushed.
"I-I would rather not right now..."
"Love you, auntie." She laughed, and then called "LOVE YOU, MUM! LOVE YOU, DAD! BYE! We'll bring Mason next time!"
"Oh, god, Elena's gob." Scorpius muttered, rubbing his ears.
Elena and Albus came rushing back in, and they all tried to ignore the fact that their lips were red.
"Your zip. And belt." Scorpius grinned at Albus, who blushed and did up his zip. He left his belt like that.
"Okay, give me a hug, baby." He opened his arms and Lenna ran over, squeezing him before squeezing her mum. "We love you. Bring my devil down."
"I will. He's missed cooking with mum, hasn't he, Jase?" Lenna laughed and Jason chuckled.
"Always begging to come over and help you." He confessed and Elena awed.
"Drop him over anytime. And you, Jase, come give us a hug."
"He has a boner." Scorpius said, "He wants distance." He smirked as Albus glared at Jason who bit his lip and looked away.
"Oh, that better not have been over Lenna." Elena playfully joked and Albus clutched his belt tighter with a hard glare. Lenna laughed.
"Dad, my boyfriend is allowed to be turned on over me. Relax, okay?" She kissed his cheek, "I don't get mad when you have one over mum."
"Lenna!" Elena hissed as Albus huffed.
"That's different. You're just a little girl-"
"Look at me. Daddy, look." She grabbed his face between her hands, "I am a grown ass woman now. Okay?"
He gulped and looked at her and Elena saw something wash over him. Maybe realisation, maybe sadness. Most likely both.
She sighed and kissed her dad's cheek.
"Bye, dad."
They all frowned as she smiled and walked out, Albus still standing upset, seeming frozen now he realised she wasn't a baby anymore.

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