Spin the Bottle- AU

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Blaise, Neville, Harry, Ronald, Draco, Seamus and Dean were sat in a circle beside Pansy, Hermione, Luna, Ginny.
They'd all had three beers, so those like Parkinson, Weasley, Longbottom, Finnigan and Thomas were already a tiny bit drunk and crazy. However, those who could deal with more like Zabini, Malfoy, Potter, Lovegood, Weaslette and Granger were still sensible, although laughing at the drunks.
"What should we play?" Draco asked.
"Spin the bottle!" Pansy slurred, laying across the blond Slytherins lap who grinned.
"Yeah, perhaps Parkinson will get lucky." Ron smirked.
"Shut up, you!" She snapped.
"Can we just get on with this?" Harry pleaded, pushing the girls hair off of his leg that was tickling him as she tipped her head back on the blondie's leg.
"Calm it, Potter." Draco mocked, "We all know you want to make out with Hermione."
Ron wrapped a protective arm around his girlfriend, challenging anyone to dare touch her.
"Shove off, Malfoy! Go shove your tongue up Pansy's arse again, won't you? Then we wont have to worry about you talking bullshit!" Potter shot back.

Draco clenched his jaw.
"I'll have you know I'm gay, thank you."
"So you're here to snog all of the boys?" Finnigan suggested with a gasp, "Because Dean is mine."
"No! I'm here for fun, now let's get on with the game."
He clicked his fingers and the room of requirement provided a bottle for them to use.
"Everybody know the rules?"
"No!" Ron called, "And how would you know? You're all about precious purebloods. Isn't this a muggle game?"
"I do know a thing or two-"
"You spin the bottle and whoever it lands on you kiss! Yes, yes! Do hurry before it gets late and Filch catches us." Potter checked the time. 5pm. Why was he worrying?

"Yes, well done, scarhead." Draco smirked, gently shoving Pansy off of his leg... Was he flirting? Was that flirting? No, shut up, Potter! Harry felt his heart speed up. He didn't know why and he didn't really want to; this was the best he'd felt since the war.
"Any volunteers?" The blond asked.
"Me!" Dean took the bottle and spun it. It carried on for a while, before landing on Blaise.
"Rules are rules, Seamus. Your boyfriend just has to kiss him." Luna smiled sweetly, seeming unfazed.
Dean leant in and placed a small kiss on Blaises lips.
They pulled away and wiped their mouths, before Thomas' were pressed against Finnigans as if it were a need.
"You, Blaise."
This time it landed on Hermione.
"Rules, Ron." Neville reminded as he growled. Granger blushed and gave Zabini a quick peck on the lips, before being pulled into the warmth of her boyfriend.
"Granger." Malfoy raised an eyebrow, "Do hurry."

It landed in between Malfoy and Potter.
"Potter you go." Draco said.
"Why won't you?"
"Just one of you!" Blaise pressured.
"Potter, you're her friend."
"Friend! Exactly!"
"Fine!" He brought the others face towards his own and smashed his lips to hers. Harry felt jealous, in all honesty.
When the blond pulled away, Hermione was shocked.
"Well." Draco grumbled, "Me?"
He spun the bottle elegantly, and just as Potter was deciding to leave, the bottle landed on him. It was rare in his opinion for the bottle to land beside the spinner or on the spinner, but here they are.
"Why?!" The Gryffindor groaned, "Fine. Fine! Get here!" He tugged on the others collar. The other flinched, so he softened himself and placed a hand on his cheek before whispering in his ear.
"I won't hurt you. I'll be gentle, alright?" He met the others eyes and they still looked full of fear. Not disgust, which suprised Harry.

He leant in and softly placed his lips on Draco's, who kissed back. It did have some passion in there, probably from Potter attempting to express his rage and annoyance, but hell did he enjoy it. He carefully bit down on the others lip, earning a moaning gasp. Now he knew how to ret a reaction from Malfoy. They broke away and blushed, trying to keep the smiles off their faces.
"Oh, I should go-" He got up and walked towards the door.
"No. You need to spin the bottle first." Pansy snapped.
He, seemingly terrified of a drunken Pansy, sat down beside Ron this time so there was more of a chance of kissing Draco again. He spun it, but it landed on Ginny, who was now sitting to the right of Malfoy, where he previously sat. Instead, he walked around and tapped the blond's shoulder.
"It was Weaselette, Potter."
He ignored him and sat on his lap, stradling him.
Truth was that Ginny had cheated on him in fourth year, which is why there was no way that he was going to kiss her, and also because the look of desperation on her face was sickening.
"We seem to be kissing a lot." He smirked at the shock on the others face, before he kissed him passionately.

He waited patiently until the same amount of energy was put into the kiss from Malfoy. When this happened, he chewed gently on the others bottom lip, earning a gasp and moan again, making him smirk. Just as he pushed him against the floor, there were loud coughs that filled the room.
"Mate, you don't have to eat his face off. Plus, it landed on Ginny." Ron stated.
"I came here to have a good time. I don't mind who gives it to me, but I have an idea." He winked at the boy bellow him who blushed.
"P-Potter, what are you doing?"
"Don't act innocent." He grinned, still hovering over the blond, "You're a great kisser. Better than what I've experienced."
He was signalling to Ginny, trying to get her to understand that he still held a grudge against her.
"But-But why are you on me?"
He leant down and whispered softly in his ear, feeling brave.
"I'm going to leave and it's around five thirty right now. So at 6:30 pm, meet me at the astronomy tower if you want to carry this further. Stay delicious for me." He pressed a small kiss to the others cheek before going back to his ear, "No, I'm not drunk. Okay, a little, but I know what I'm doing." He patted his chest and stood up.

"Right, gotta go then. Toodles!" He waved at the room who eyed him warily. Ginny looked heart broken. Bingo!
Draco had an adorable blushing face as he avoided eye contact and smiled uncontrollably at the floor. Harry couldn't help himself; He walked back in there and tapped his shoulder.
"How about we go now instead?" The Gryffindor asked. The Slytherin gulped and took his offered hand, pulling himself up.
Potter gripped his hand tightly and walked out of the room with him.
"Where are we g-going?"
"Don't be nervous. Do you like me?"
"I-I don't know. You make me happy, I guess."
"Good, because you do me. Well, no, don't do me. I meant you do to me, too. Sorry, I'm ranting, aren't I? This is what happens when I get nervous and people find it annoying-"
"I think it's cute."
"O-Oh. Thank you." He rubbed the back of his neck.
"Where did all that confidence go?" The other smirked, and he was right. Harry seemed to just have his bravery slip away from his fingers at times.
"What happened to your shy-i-ness... Is that a word?"
"Merlin, Potter, you're more awkward than me!"
"Well you would be the same if you were around somebody as hot as you!" He blurted out and the blond blushed.

"Hmm, I am quite dashing, aren't I?"
"Very. That's why I had to cancel our astronomy plans and take you to my room now."
"W-wait, are we going to have intercourse?"
"No. Just cuddle. Unless you don't want to-"
"I'd love to cuddle with you, Harry."
Potter grinned and pushed open the common room door, ignoring the fat lady screaming about the Slytherin entering, and walked up to his dorm.
"My bed is quite cold because, well, my only blanket is a thin one bu-"
"I can buy you a thick, warm one if you wish. I know how you never had much because of those muggles-"
"Draco, that is so kind of you, but I have the Potter vaults. I can buy you anything with them, I just prefer not to use them on myself and more on those who I love."
"Why? You matter just as much."
"I don't want to be selfish."
"You won't! You aren't being selfish! You're being silly! Always make sure you're okay," He brought the other closer by wrapping his arms around his waist, "Before anybody else, because you should matter most. It's okay to put yourself first. Work on yourself before you spend it on others, alright? We may have been enemies for years but I don't care. I can give you anything. Don't be afraid to ask."

Harry pulled the other onto his bed and cuddled into his warmth.
"Thank you. For everything. I'm sorry I teased you... I really like you and I understand if you don't want to date, I mean, it was only a kiss and oh crap, I'm ranting again, aren't I?"
"Yep, cutie, you are." he chuckled and softly pecked the others lips, "But who's to say that kiss won't lead to something new?"

Draco's Veela Side (Drarry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora