Chapter 22

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"I'm so sorry you had to see that." Harry apologised to Severus, sitting on the sofa beside him.

"I'm not. Why don't you just obliviate the memory?" Draco asked, sitting on the other side of Potter and relaxing.

"And risk losing the rest of my memory along with it? Next time boys, lock the door." Snape snapped, rubbing his eyes.

"We forgot, and we left our wands in here." Malfoy stretched an arm around the Gryffindor, yawning and burying his nose into the other's neck.

"Malfoy, you're a Veela. You don't need a wand." The proffesor reminded

"Yeah well, you should have knocked, Sevvie." He scolded.

"The door was wide open." He defended.

"Are you trying to say that seeing my mate like that wasn't nice? Are you calling my mate ugly?" Draco growled and Harry rolled his eyes, blushing uncontrollably. The blondie was teasing, but Snape knew better than to mess with a Veela's mate.

"He isn't exactly stunning, no, but surely you wouldn't want others to see your mate exposed?" He raised an eyebrow and Malfoy grew serious.

"My mate is absolutely gorgoues! I'll have you know, he has a body of a god! His d-"

"DRACO!" Harry interupted, placing a hand quickly over his mouth. The Slytherin looked proud as he playfully nibbled his hand, causing the other to remove it, "Anyway, sir, what did you need?"

"I was here to talk about the potion, but Mr Malfoy, can I say something?"

The raven haired boy groaned and facepalmed as Draco smiled and nodded.
This can't be good. He thought.

"Let me guess, we can start a family? You've brought us our own house for our little kids?" Harry raised an eyebrow at the ranting blond, and grinned.

"Drakey, we can't start a family yet. We're too young, and I'm not ready."
Draco pouted and pressed a small kiss on his nose.

"No, what I was going to say is how? Being your godfather, my whole life I've only saw you as a cold and rude boy who could be funny at times, but then you've met Potter and... It's like a whole other side of you that I didn't know you owned. Even your father wasn't like this when he met his mate. How?" His voice was dull, but he seemed intrugued.

"Well, because I love him, of course. Not saying that my father doesn't love my mother," He looked around the room in panic, "B-but he just had a different way of showing it. I don't know, Sev, okay? Harry just... he brings out a different part of me. He makes me happy, and even you know that... well, nobody's really loved me, not even my parents."

Harry frowned and hissed at Snape who had caused Draco's chin to wobble, carefully placing himself on Malfoy's lap and wrapping his arms around him, making him smile.

"Severus, did Lucius ever hurt Draco?"

Snape turned a cold stare towards Potter.
"None of your business, Potter."

The blond boy snarled at Snape and kissed the side of Harry's head.

"Do you not realise that Parkinson may have saw all of that that you were doing in your bedroom?" The profesor pushed his greasy looking hair behind his ear, grabbing the bottle and opening it.

"Give her something to watch for." Draco licked his lips and smirked at Harry, who rolled his eyes.

"I've found a cure." Severus changed the subject, his gaze meeting the Gryffindor's, "Now if you will, Potter."

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