Marry Me- AU

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Harry paced back and forth. He'd been planning to propose to his boyfriend for a long time now, but he doubted the other loved him. He stayed there because he couldn't get a job, so he also couldn't get a house as he wasn't making money. Potter took him in and supported him.
The reason he couldn't get a job was because nobody would accept him due to his past as a death eater, aswell as the fact he had a broken leg. He was healing very well, and after a good six months he was ready to get through it (Malfoy didn't want to drink any potion to make it better, and wanted to suffer the muggle way), however then broke his other leg. (Falling down the stairs and tripping over rocks).
After the deal the blond made with his boyfriend, claiming that he could act like a muggle about broken bones, he wasn't ready to stop. If he lost the bet, he'd have to visit his pestering, old parents again atleast once a month instead of once a year (christmas).

Potter rubbed his temples. He kept having to help his boyfriend out of bed, to the toilet and help him with crutches. At times he even had to change the poor boy or sit him on the toilet.
He turned around to see the other had slipped on his old, dirty clothes from the previous morning.
"Sorry, Draco! Here." He helped him up, putting all of the pressure on himself and hoisted him onto the bed.
"I hate this." The blond whined.
"Oh." He mumbled, "I can leave if yo-"
"No, not that. I mean my damn leg. I love your fussing, honey." He smiled.
"Really? When did the muggle doctors say you'd heal, again?"
"Four more weeks." He sighed, "Atleast I have you-"
"What do you mean? Are you using me?" He spoke quickly in shock.
"No! What has been wrong with you, lately?"
"Nothing." He muttered. Draco, noticing the lack of smiling and happiness, didn't believe it.
"You can tell me anything, cutie."
He felt a soft hand on his leg and he relaxed, grumbling the words-
"Dray, I'm just-just thinking." He shrugged, "It's alright."
"You think I don't want to be with you?"

"Who said that? I didn't say that-"
"I have the same worry everyday about you. I love you. I will always stay with you. You help me. Thank you." He smiled softly, "I'm grateful for you and everything you do."
"Thanks, Draco," Harry grinned, having a sudden urge to propose now, but held it back, "You're mine forever."
"As long as my hearts beating." He beamed, kissing the other.
"I love you, Drake. Get some sleep."

Malfoy did just that as Potter removed his glasses, resting his damaged leg ontop of the others legs for support. Harry loved when he did this, because it usually meant that his head was going to rest on his chest, too. Potter adored breathing in the scent of the others fluffy hair, or when he lifted his hands to stroke his fingertips through them. Normally they slept while holding hands, so when he tried that, the blond would wake and immediately seek warmth in his boyfriends armpit.
Which is exactly what happened tonight.
"Dray," He chuckled softly, "You're tickling me."
There was a loud umph as Draco slumped his body against the others, refusing to move his face.
"Your hair!" He whisper/yelled, grinning and gasping as it kept tickling him and making him catch his breath in his throat.
"I can't, you-"
"Love me." The other mumbled.
"I do, baby, just-"
"Not moving. Be quiet."
He shook his head, smiling. When Malfoy eventually fell asleep, he slowly lifted his head away with his now free hands, allowing him to close his armpit and relax some more. Draco, realising the new cold environment, began to whimper ans stir in his sleep. Panicking as always, Harry placed the others head in the crook of his own neck, keeping him nice and warm and earning a satisfied hum.


The next morning, the blond woke up and yelped as he felt a pain shoot through his leg. His boyfriend jumped awake, grabbing his glasses and sitting up aswell as helping the other onto his lap.
"What was it, darling? What happened?" He asked gently as Draco buried his face into his chest.
"My leg hurts again."
"Well it's alright, mine are supporting it. Okay? You'll be healed in a few weeks."
"I can't believe I had to do it the muggle way." He huffed, frowning.
"You love it really." He smirked, "Me taking care of you..."
"I don't love it. I love you." He stated firmly.
"You're utterly in love with me?"
"Completely." He confirmed, shining a small smile.
"Thank goodness." Harry slowly rested the other back onto the bed, leaning his foot on a pillow before standing up and digging through his draw, causing suspicion from Malfoy.
"What are you doing?"
He finally found the gold ring and pulled it out, getting on one knee, "Will you, Draco Malfoy, marry me and do me the pleasure of allowing me to spend the rest of my life with you and call you a Potter?"
He looked into the silvery eyes that always managed to send him crazy, which were now filled with tears. The man on the bed had clasped a hand to his mouth, gasping in shock and blushing.
"Y-yes! Hell yes!" He chocked out, sobbing, "Oh, Harry..."
The black haired man flushed pink, breathing a sigh of relief as he slipped the ring on the other mans finger.

Sitting back on the bed as though nothing happened, Potter watched his fiancè wipe his tears.
"Why are you crying?"
"You unromantic twat!" He moved closer, minding his leg, "I love you and thank you," He choked on another sob, "I'm going to spend the rest of my life with you. I'm over the moon, Harry! It's tears of joy."
Potter smiled, blushing.
"For so long I've been wanting to propose. I just feared rejection-"
"Rejection?! No! It'd be a fuck yeah!"
Harry giggled, cuddling close to his injured man.
"I was scared. Sorry it wasn't romantic."
"No problem, but once this cast has gone, I'm going to be the dominant one again." He smirked.
"You still are." Shining a daft smile, he couldn't get the blush off his cheeks. He looked like a child.
"I love you." The blond grinned.
"I love you too. Always."
"And forever." He finished, rubbing his nose against the others in joy.

Short one and horrible but I've got school tomorrow and vowed to myself I'd finished my book today (I'm on chapter 15 out of 22) so I might be really innactive. I hope you understand and don't mind! Love you guys x

Draco's Veela Side (Drarry)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن