Chapter 14

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When Malfoy's breathing finally slowed down, Severus decided to talk to him, and whoever was holding him let go.

He knew those small hands that left a tingly feel on his skin, signalling it was Harry who had held him back.

"Mr Malfoy, I understand you will do anything to protect your mate, but I strongly suggest not hurting Mr Zabini. You will be expelled, and I can not do with your parents yelling at me for not taking care of you again." He raised an eyebrow whilst Draco paced back and forth.

"You don't understand, sir! Him and Pansy tried to torture my Harry, all because he was my mate!" He snarled, clenching his hands so his nails made marks in his palms, "I'm going to kill him! Surely father will understand, he'd do the same for mother!"

"Mr Potter, please try calming him and then I'll be back to talk to you both at lunch. For now, I have class to teach." He nodded and left them in the spare classroom.

"Draco, please calm down!" The Gryffindor went to hold one of the other boys hand, but suprised the Slytherin and was met by fingernails causing a deep scratch in his skin.

He whimpered a little, watching the blood drip to the floor.
"Harry, not now!" He yelled, pacing back and forth before stopping and sighing, being met with Potter's tear filled eyes, "Look, I-I'm sorry okay? I'm just worried about you-"

"No! You're being selfish, Malfoy! I couldn't care less whether I died anymore, in fact, I'm only staying alive so you don't fucking die with me! Get your attitude together, and leave me the fuck alone until you have."
With having said that, he marched to the corner of the room and rubbed his thumb over the cut.

"I'm not being selfish at all, Potter! If only you understood, then you'd know why I'm worrying about you so much! Y'know what, fuck Zabini. I don't care about him, Harry! I care about you! That's why I'm trying to make sure he's gone far away so he doesn't touch you!" He shouted, however the raven boy ignored him.

Growling, he made his way swiftly towards his mate.
"Harry, I was speaking to you. Don't be ignorant."

"Fuck off, Malfoy."

"Harry." He warned, raising his eyebrows.

"I said fuck off." He hissed.

"One last time, Harry, and I swear I will-"

"Fuck. Off." He stated simply, eyes still examining his cut.

Suddenly, his shoulders were slammed against the wall, erupting a burning feeling in his upper back.

"I thought you couldn't hurt your mate, Malfoy." He sniffled, trying to squirm free.

Seeing the pain in the other boys eyes and the deep scratch with blood pouring out of on his hand, Draco came to his senses and started laying kisses upon his face.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled as Potter kept trying to push him away, "I am. You're right, I need to start thinking about what you want, not what I want. But if he dare say anything about you again, I promise you he's a goner."

"Draco," His green eyes full of sadness as he looked up into the others miserable grey ones, "I just want you to stay here with me, okay? I don't want to see you being expelled. Please promise me to ignore him? I'll do whatever you want."

"Anything?" Draco smirked, licking his lips.


"Now that you mention it, I do need to learn how to cook using muggle things." He said hopefully.

"How can I do that?" Harry rolled his eyes, thinking it was going a different way, but his Draco was just too innocent for it.

"We can ask Snape to give us a kitchen so I don't have to see Blaise for the rest of the week at all. He can't say no, my parents-"

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