From the beginning- AU

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This is NOT following the lines of the book (since when did any of my AUs?). This is quite a long imagine which is why it took so long (I apologise).
By the way, if you see one of these ~ it means that there's a time skip going on which takes us to a DIFFERENT day. If you see five of these like this *****, it means that there is also a time skip going on. However, this time skip is a shorter time skip, leading to later on the SAME day. Sorry for any confusion. It wasn't really needed but just incase. Thanks anyway.
Harry was left alone. After trailing up and down the platform, he walked to a man standing near platform nine.
"Excuse me, sir? Can you show me where platform nine and three quaters is, please?" He asked quietly, but loud enough to be heard.
Potter was suprised when the man furrowed his eyebrows in anger.
"Are you having a joke, kid? There aint no platform nine and three quaters!"
Harry Potter, feeling a bit fearful, stepped back, when he bumped into someone else.
"S-sorry! I swear, I didn't mean-"
"Oh, it's alright, dear." He heard, "Hogwarts, too?"
Potter turned around to see a woman, a gentle smile on her face standing beside a man with blond hair and a soft expression. There was a little boy inbetween them, looking about his age with stunningly white blond hair and silver-blue eyes. It seemed to be their son.
He shot an amazing grin, followed by a wink.
"Er, hello?"
The woman was glancing at him and his trolly uncertainly.
"Yes, Hogwarts. S-so sorry to irritate-"
"No, not at all!" The man laughed, patting his shoulder with a strong hand, "It's Draco's first year too."
"Quickly now, five minutes to go!" Narcissa hurried them towards the wall, "Now, boys, all you have to do is run at this wall, straight in between platfrom nine and ten. Make sure no muggles see you. Now quickly, go together. Me and father will be right behind you both!"
Harry gulped.
"Don't worry, I'm scared too." The little boy whispered, "On the count of three?"
Potter nodded.
"One... Two... Three!" They both ran through the wall, and appeared infront of a scarlet steam train.
They gasped in awe.
"Now, come along!" They heard and realised that Malfoys parents had joined them.


As Draco helped Harry board with his trunk, they waved goodbye and Potter bid the parents a thank you before sitting in a compartment. The blond joined.
"Hello, I'm Draco Malfoy, by the way." He smiled, "That was my parents, Lucius and Narcissa. And your name is...?" He held out a hand which Potter shook.
"Harry Potter."
The black haired boy was shocked when the other pulled back with wide eyes.
"You're joking... Can I see your scar?"
"Which? Oh-oh, this?" He separated his fringe to show his forehead and the other beamed.
"Woah! Can I...?"
"Huh? Oh, sure."
His new friend slipped beside him a carefully ran a finger over it, making the other tremble.
"Sorry, I-"
"Oh, don't apologise. It's fine."
"That's really amazing, y'know, how you managed to survive..."
"Th-thanks." He grinned, feeling himself blush as he avoided eye contact.


"Harry Potter."
Harry gulped and stood up to thhe sorting hat, glancing longingly at his new friend who was staring back hopefully from his Slytherin seat. As it touched his head, it began a silent debate with itself.
"Hmmm... Very brave. Determined, yet wise-"
"Please Slytherin... please..." He mumbled.
"Slytherin? Well, alright. Gryffindor house will help you achieve wonderful things, but this house will lead you to your fate. SLYTHERIN!" The hat announced.
Potter bounced off the stool, walking quickly towards Malfoy. Nobody clapped. Slytherins glared at him.
'Harry Potter is a snake?' They all asked.
Draco, noticing a tear slip from the others unsure gaze, began a standing ovation.
"WOO!" He cheered. The others reluctantly followed his actions. Potter smiled to himself, but before taking a seat, was met by warm arms.
"They can be rude at times, can't they?" Draco laughed in his ear.
Potter was rigid in his grip, "S-sorry, did I hurt you?"
They both sat down as the sorting finished.
"N-no. I've just never been hugged before."
"What?" He raised his eyebrows, "Why not?"
He shrugged.
"Doesn't matter. Thank you, though. It was brilliant."
Draco widened his eyes and raised his eyebrows, however a flush of red appeared on his cheeks anyway.
"D-dont worry about it." He muttered sheepishly, "Anytime..."

Draco's Veela Side (Drarry)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ