Returning to Hogwarts

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When it was time to return to school, Narcissa helped Cygnus pack her trunk, coax Commodore into his cage, and otherwise prepare for departure.

Draco was still sleeping, so Cygnus left a letter for him on the table.

Narcissa gave her cousin a long hug, a good old fashioned bear hug, pureblood etiquette be damned, and the stood in the doorway watching Lucius grab a hold of her trunk and making sure she had a hold of Commodore's cage before apparating.

Cygnus stumbled a bit when they landed on the platform, and after Lucius exchanged a few words with a man he knew from work, he nodded to Cygnus and apparated away.

Cygnus gave the luggage worker her trunk, but when he tried to take Commodore's cage from her the owl began to make all sorts of noises and flailing his wings.

"Commodore! Commodore it's alright!" Cygnus tried to calm him, but the owl was not having it.

Cygnus sighed and undid the latch that held the door closed, and Commodore immediately left the cage and circled her before taking perch on her shoulder, glaring at the Luggage man.

"I'm so sorry." Cygnus apologises, "He's never been apart from me before and I guess he thought you were taking him away for good."

"Why don't you take him on the train with you?" The luggage man allows, and Cygnus gives him a shy smile before taking Commodore's cage and getting on the train and finding her compartment.

Commodore alighted upon one of the luggage racks while Cygnus climbed on top of the seat to store his cage.

She nearly jumped when someone grabbed her, but recognised his voice when he laughed.

"You have no idea how miserable we were without you." George says, swinging her down off of the seat.

Commodore squawks in jealousy and flies between them.

"Commodore, it's alright, he's a friend."  Cygnus says worriedly, grabbing at her owl.

"Protective is he?" Fred chimes in as Commodore settles in her arms, staring at the boys.

Cygnus just sighs and lifts her arms up towards her shoulders, and commodore hops onto her shoulder, his eyes never leaving the boys.

Cygnus smiles.


"Did you finish your essay for transifiguration?" George asks. "You can copy mine if you didn't."

"No, I finished it." She waves him off, grinning.

"We missed you." Fred says, embracing her.

"I missed you guys too." She says, squeezing him before embracing George.

The train ride was spent in comfortable silence, the friends stretched out across the seats and each other.

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