King's Cross

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"Cygnus I'm so sorry dear, but something's—"

"I know Aunt Cissy, it's fine." I interrupt her.

"Narcissa I am going to be late." Lucius bites from the driver's seat.

Narcissa frowns and kisses my forehead.

"You had best write to me." She says.

"Loads!" I assure her.

"Goodbye my dear." She says as Lucius pulls away.

I wave to the retreating car and turn to face King's Cross, the looming building intimidating me slightly.

I sigh and push open the large doors, immediately drowning in a sea of people.

I manage to procure a trolley and I drop my trunk on it, attempting to find Platform Nine and Three Quarters.

I give up and sit defeatedly on a bench, trying not to cry, looking at my ticket in shame.

Someone barrels into my trolley.

"Oi watch it!" I shout, running after my trolley.

I catch it a few feet away and turn around to find two identical red headed boys laughing.

"Ah, hello young Malfoy, where are Lucius and Narcissa?" Another redhead asks.

"Hello Arthur." I greet him, smiling.

"Boys that was very rude of you!" He scolds the pair.

"I'm alone." I answer his second question, awkwardly rubbing my elbows.

"We'll help!" The two say cheerily,

"The names Fred."


"We've got loads of older brothers"

"That went to Hogwarts before us, so we"

"Know what we're doing."

"Splendid." I grin.

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