McGonagall argues with the Hat

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Minerva McGonagall was concerned. How had this poor girl, so sweet and compassionate, wound up in Severus' charge as a Slytherin? She was angrily pointing at the sorting hat, asking him the very thought.

Dumbledore seemed to be amused by the situation. Watching as the head of Gryffindor House and the hat argured.

"That girl was the hardest pupil I have ever had to sort, outdoing even you, Minerva." The hat said defensively. "My every instinct told me to place her in Hufflepuff-"

"Then why didn't you?" McGonagall shouted, interrupting him.

"Minerva, what would have happened to the child if I did?" The hat said sadly. "It was a simple choice, really. I would rather the girl be safer in Slytherin then ridiculed in Hufflepuff, disowned, dishonored, and more than likely left for dead."


"The girl has suffered through so much already, Minerva. I stirred up memories in that child from long ago, father back then I have ever delved into any mind before. She was neglected as a newborn, and then given to the lady black, who also neglected her. Then she went to Sirius. She grew up with those boys, and then suddenly she was yanked away from all of that and drilled into becoming like the Malfoys. I have seen her life, Minerva, and I did not want to be the next reason to cause her pain."

McGonagall's lips pressed into an even thinner line.

"She also could have flourished in your house, for the child has been very brave

"Minerva, I'm sure that Severus didn't mean what he said."

"Albus, whether he meant it or not doesn't matter, the poor girl believed that he did, and I don't blame her. He made her CRY."

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