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Dragging me to my feet Robbie slams me back against the wall. Holding me by my throat as his free hand slides up my thigh, to move my dress up to reveal my pink panties. Gripping his wrist with both hands I try to wiggle free. Lashing out with my bare feet, my shoes forgotten where they lye limply on the floor across the room. Knocked off by the force of Robbie's attack.

"No...please!" His hand tightens around my throat. Taking my earlobe between his teeth he yanks on it. Moaning at the cry of pain that rips from my crushed throat. Shutting my eyes, I try to be anywhere else but here. Hoping to god it'll be over quick.

"The lady said no!" A roar rumbled throughout the empty hallway as Robbie is ripped from me. Falling to my knees I hold my hand to my chest. Desperately trying to fill my lungs with air. My vision still a little blurry, I peek up. Seeing a second figure thrusting Robbie to the ground, straddling his chest and punching seven hells out of his face. Then the world goes black.

"Al?" A voice, loud and distant calls to me. Slowly bringing me down from a blissful dream. I lightly run my hand over the daisies as I make my way through the meadow. Closing my eyes as the heat of the sun tingles my rosy cheeks. I hear the voice once more. This time louder. I blink and groan loudly. Hissing in pain as I grab my stomach, Trish looming over me like a hysterical nurse. "Al!"
"Fuck..." I roll onto my side. Curling up like a baby. My teeth chattering as I try to adjust to the utter agony of reality.
"Al, what happened?" Trish runs her hand gently over my bruised cheek, moving a strand of hair that had been tickling my sensitive skin.

"Robbie tried...tried.." I stutter through chattering teeth. Shivering. "To rape me. But, someone stopped him."
Trish nodded in agreement then her face fell. The relief of me waking up gone. Replaced by a look of sudden grief. She wasn't telling me something. Struggling, I manage to sit up. My eyes flickering as they try to make out my surroundings. Looked like an office of some kind. Trish sat tensely in a chair beside the couch where I lay. Opposite the large window. The sun shone through and kissed her hair, making it shiny and she looked, for a moment, so fragile I wanted to wrap her in bubble wrap and put a 'this way up' sticker on her stomach.

"What's wrong?"

Trish shuffled in her seat as my words croaked out. My throat dry and sore from Robbie's merciless hold. Sitting forward a little she cleared her throat and and put her head in her hands. Hiding behind her hands as her lip wobbled nervously.
"Robbie was beaten badly. He's in hospital. Professor Atkins is talking to the Principle, right this second about a suspension."

"Zack?" My eyes widen. My heart sinking as it foresees the next sentence. I had had an idea when Robbie was dragged off of me but hadn't known for sure. Zack would be reported. Maybe even fired. Or worse: arrested.

Trish nodded, huffing as she sat back in her seat. Running her hand through her long dark hair. "He saw you and Robbie and...I don't know. He went crazy! I managed to pull him off eventually and convinced him to let us into his office." It tumbled from her quivering lips. Her hands shaking as she relives the horrible moment in her mind. Like a record.

"What's going to happen to him?" I mumble because that's all I could manage. Trish just shrugs. Neither of us looking at the other for fear of seeing the truth in others eyes. It would be bad. Principle Brook was malevolent.

An hour passes and I manage to stand, and with Trish holding my bag in my hand we make our way out down the corridor at a snails pace. Each step hurt more than the last. My throat, face and stomach feeling they might burst or rip at any second. But, I couldn't stay in Daddy's office. I needed a bath and something to drink. The nurse had said it was fine as long as I got plenty of rest. The authorities had mentioned they would come see me before the week was out. Fucking fabulous.

It was a miracle I made it home before my legs gave in. Falling back onto the couch I groan. Holding my stomach as Trish rushes to the bathroom to set a bath going. Squeezing my eyes shut I will the pain away. The memories turning my stomach. His hands grabbing at my body, his mouth torturing my skin with unwanted contact.
I didn't let Trish stick around in the bathroom. I needed some space to think. To see the damage. Naked, I stand before the mirror above the sink. Running my fingertips over the bruises that cover my face. My swollen, black eye and bust lip then gently over the hand print across my neck. Purple, black and blue swirled together to remind me of how close I had come....to what I wasn't quite sure.
Gripping the sink, I let the tears flow.

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