Ghost Hunter story 3. with Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki.

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  • Dedicated to Anibal Sampayo Jr.

An Adult Encounter.

Ghost Hunter with Jensen Ackles & Jared Padalecki.

Model Ashley Graham.

Dean's pov.

My brother and I went to find another demon. This one was beating our asses. After a fight with no end, we decided to call it even. The demon man had once again gotten away.

All day wasted on this one hunt. Now we go to the hotel to wait for another hit on some type of supernatural being.

Sam was on the laptop searching nearby activity.

"Got anything yet?" I asked him.

"What do you think? Nothing here. Let's just get some beer." Sam said standing to get to the door.

"Hey I'll go. Just a beer?" I asked him.

"Pick up some beer and nips." Sam answered sitting back down.

"I am getting me some Gin. Want some?"

"I don't care. Grab some soda's." He told me.

I went out to the liquor store down the street. I didnt take the car since it was in good walking distance.

I slid through my phone updating my status and checking everyone else's. I had a few emails that I had to check. Some were from old one-time girlfriends that lasted a day or two.

I don't stay in one place long. I let them know my brother and I travel and bounce from city to city.

My phone was knocked into my chest when I bumped into a woman holding a brown paper bag. We both fumbled to catch her bag but sadly missed dropping it to the gravel.

"Oh wow, I'm so sorry." I told her chuckling until I saw everything but a bag of lemons was glass.

"Great! I doubt they're going to replace this." She grumbled.

"I can tell them that I bumped in to you."

She glanced at me while picking up glass dropping it into the bag.

"You did bump into me." She smiled looking back down.

"Yea I guess I did. What were you doing with all of this liquor, if it's not too rude to ask?"

"I was going to my room and setting the drinks for my event. Tomorrow I am having a party that I was the bartender at." She answered.

"So...was going to have?"

"I can't buy all of this again." She added.

"Come on, let's go in and tell them what happened. What is the worse that can happen? They say no. You already think they're gonna. So were good." I stood up and waited for her to enter with me.

She protested but went in eventually. They wanted to see the bag with glass. Once I brought it in from outside they gave her a few bottles back. I felt bad and paid for the rest. I grabbed my own things. Gin, beer and the nips.

The counterman placed our things together and I picked up the bag for her.

She was quiet as we walked out, holding the door for me.

"Where are you parked?" I asked her.

"I didn't bring my car. I walked here from the hotel down there." She pointed.

"Ok, so I owe you a favor. I'm holding this until we get there. "I smirked.

"You don't have to. I can hold it. By the way your stuff is still inside. Maybe you should take it out now before you forget." She mentioned.

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