Concert Time!

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******Andys POV******

JAYDENNNN?! I yelled she wasn't in the couch or in the bunks. where was she?!


Yes? I heard a small voice I walked over to the bathroom and their she was doing her make up.

I was calling for you! You scared me!

She flinched.

S..sorry.. I.. I just.. I.. was.. I.. I wanted to fix my make up it got ruined and.. im sorry..

No no it's okay.. I didn't mean to yell at you i was worried. you didn't hear me that's fine it's fine. I smiled at her and she gave me a small smile back.

I felt bad for this girl she's been through so much, I glanced down at her wrists. Force of habit and I saw bracelets. Maybe she just liked bracelets a lot. that could be it. but with everything she's been through I mean... It could be self harm. I made a mental note to ask her about it later.

Well it's concert time in an hour were just getting ready and doing sound check and all that jazz I said

Oh okay she said quietly

Would you like to stand backstage or front and center in the crowd? I asked

Um backstage? please.. I don't do well with people. like I said earlier. she murmured

Okay, Whatever you want we will make work and you'll just be standing with Jinxx girlfriend Sammi. Is that okay?

Jayden is that okay?

Oh sorry I just.. I love Sammi Doll she's.. she's my idol, Girl idol. I love her!!! she giggled

Well you get to stand by her I grinned

Yay im so exited!!! Thank you for taking me in Andy. It means a lot to me.. She said quietly.

Hey it's cool! Im gettin tired of the guys anyways I laughed

Well shall we go?

We shall she smiled as I linked arms with her and we skipped to the stage

***Jaydens POV***

When we got to the stage their was Sammi Doll the one and only Sammi Doll I mentally started FANGIRLING!

Andy pushed me over to her and I was star struck

Hey I'm Sammi you're Jayden right?

OH MY SWEET JESUS SHE KNOWS WHO I AM! HAWKYSWJUSSB I do that a lot.. I fangirl a lot.. Whatever im next to Sammi doll!!

Um yeah I'm Jayden. I'm a huge fan! then She hugged me I gladly hugged her back. Well it looks like we get to hang out for a while while the boys preform!

Oh yeah that'd be fun *-*


I heard some people yell then I saw the guys start warming up This was amazing I never knew how much went on backstage.

Then I saw the guys run out,

CC first

then Jake

then Jinxx

then Ashley

then Andy

The crowd screamed so loud I thought we might go deaf! But it was cool to see how big the BVB army really is.


The crowd erupted in cheers

TO KICK OFF THE SHOW THIS FIRST SONG IS A SONG I LIKE TO CALL REBEL LOVE SONG!!!! Andy screamed again and then the music started up and he started bouncing around the stage.

THEY'RE SO CRAZY Sammi yelled over the music

YA DONT SAY I yelled back in return she flashed me a big smile

A few hours later it was the end of the concert and the guys were DRENCHED in sweat it was nasty..


OH YOU FUCKER DONT COME NEAR ME! As Andy And Ashley came and hugged me.

Ooooo Sweat lovin this! I said sarcastically.

Oh we know!!!

We all skipped back to the bus after cleaning up, and the guys pushed me and Sammi to get to the shower first and we just laughed.

Gross Boys she shook her head.

Tell me about it and I've only been here a few days! I said.

Haha I gotta get goin JINXX COME SAY GOODBYE TO ME BEFORE I BEAT YO ASS! Sammi yelled.

Just then Jinxx came out and said goodbye.

Me and Sammi hugged then she left and I was once again the only female.

I went into the bunks and changed into PJs and layed down.

I heard Andy tap on my curtain thing and open it.


Ima risk taker whatever! So hey I was wondering, Not trying to be mean but I realized you don't have much clothes so wanna go shopping? He asked with hopeful eyes.

Well I'd love to.. But I have no Money.

Well I'd pay for everything! You deserve it Hun!

Andy I couldn't possib..

NUUUUUU SHHHHH!!! Im gonna that's final okay? He said.

Alright I guess as I blushed.

You're adorable. He said and just like that he kissed my forehead and closed my curtain and left.

I was.. I was in shock.. Andy Biersack Kissed my forehead... I thought about it until I fell asleep.


How am I doin on this story? I have ZERO Experiences with writing! So I need some comments.. I need dem ;-; Lol nah I don't but it would be nice to know XP

I told you guys I'd update two chapters today! ^•^

Alright Cupcakes Goodnight! Hope your enjoying dis! :D

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