Tour and stuff

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Ugh five more minutes I said as I gave them puppy dog eyes


WHAT?! I screamed

Uh yeah you've been sleeping all day CC said YEAH YOUR ADORABLE Jake chimed in

I just glared you watched me sleep?

YUP! Andy and Ashley yelled in unison

OKAY SO GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP Ashley screamed in my ear

OKAY OKAY OKAY get out so I can ya know change and stuff

oh yeah alright they all murmured

I slipped on my Black and white checkered skinny jeans and just a black tank top with a white vest and my shiny white combat boots I put my Bvb necklesses rings and bracelets on I teased my hair a bit brushed my teeth and did my make up, just your regular smokey Eye look and I put my fake eye lashes on.

I bet your wondering where I get all this amazing stuff hu? I worked at Hottopic for a while and I got free clothes and stuff instead of pay every other week, that is.. until my dad got me fired.


I walked into Hottopic ready to work and get me new clothes and their i saw my dad I panicked I thought he was sleeping!? he was when I left how did he.. what?

THEIR SHE IS he yelled he came over and dragged me by my gauges and started screaming about something I think I was in shock and a bunch of people were staring.. he dragged me out of the mall and into the car and then we went home.

When I finally went back to work they told me I couldn't work there anymore. They wouldn't give me a reason.


I walked out of the room thingy? not sure what to call it. and the guys were all playing Xbox when they saw me they just stared at me I was getting freaked out and self conscious.

what? I said as I looked down

WHAT?! They all yelled again in unison.

You look beautiful CC said Yeah Andy and Ashley said

Oh I giggled I felt myself blush and they guys went Awwwwwee

Here Jinxx said as he handed me a monster and some Doritos.

Oh thanks I said quietly

Well we've gotta get to the signing do you wanna just stay here until concert time?

Yeah. Kinda.. Im shy and I don't like lots of people and I think I'd get freaked out and then I would...

Hey Hey Jayden it's fine you don't need to explain, I'll come get you when it's concert time alright? Andy asked

Okay.. I said quietly

Here you can sit righttttttt here Ashley said as he picked me up bridal style and dropped me on the couch

I flinched a little, As a bad memory came in then sat up alright well bye guys I said. BYEEEEEEEE JAYDEEEENNNN they said in feminine voices.

I giggled and turned on the TV and turned to Americas next top model. I wasn't really hungry so I put the Doritos on the ground next to the Xbox and then I drank my monster. I wonder what the concert will be like







Helllllllooooooo you guys I am so so SOOOOOO sorry about the no updating, Im sick. Ugh. and yesterday I was at warped tour, Biggest disappointment ever! Falling in reverse didnt show! D: But from what I heard Ronnie Radke was sick but it just sucks because that's the only reason I went.. But I did get to meet the summer set and I got their autos and I got a vans shirt and hat and the ready set shirt it's adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So i mean i did end up having fun xD lol anyways I've also been dealing with Eh lets say personal things! So that's why I haven't updated ill try to post one more chapter tonight! Bye my Cupcakes!!!




Commect what you guys think so far please? Id greatly appreciate that!!!!!(:

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