"Camila looks different." The voice startles me, I glance over seeing Chris next to me matching my pace.

I frown, "What do you mean?"

"Last time we saw you both was what like 2 or 3 years ago? I don't even remember but now she looks more woman-ly, same with you."

I just laugh not really knowing what to say. "Thanks? I guess."

"She's hot though, you got to admit."

An immediate frown forms on my face. I look up watching Camila's beautiful figure from a distance, the way she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear before laughing at something my dad says, catching her tongue between her teeth. She's beautiful, and she's mine. Only mine.

I elbow him in the ribs, "Shut up Chris."

"Hey!" He laughed and ran a hand through his shaggy hair. "You've become beautiful too sis, but I'm just saying puberty did not do her wrong, that's for sure."

I roll my eyes and keep walking not wanting to continue this conversation.

"I would never do anything," he says when I remain silent. "Technically she's my sister so that'd be pretty fucked up if I ever even thought about it."

My heart sinks, his words making me feel like complete shit. I force out a laugh and bump my shoulder into his side, "that would be pretty fucked up."

This is going to be a long week.


"We're home," I call into the house rolling Taylor's luggage into the living room. I almost run over the stupid cat I always forget we even have.

"Lauren be careful!" Camila yells picking him up. She scratches behind his ears and giving him a kiss on the head. A little flame of jealousy sparks inside of me. I almost want to slap myself for being jealous of a stupid cat.

Honestly, I just want Camila to hug me.

These past few hours have been emotionally exhausting and all I need is Camila's touch, but that can't happen until we're alone. And now with more people in the house I'm not even sure when the next time we'll be able to have more than 5 minutes alone. This sucks.

"My babies!" My mom practically screams when she sees my younger siblings. They meet halfway hugging with tears in their eyes. I watch as my mom turn towards my dad giving him a hug that lingers a little longer than it should.

A small tug on my sleeve adverts my attention away, my eyes look down to find slender fingers clenching the fabric. I look up into the warm brown eyes and my heart swells, her brows furrow in concern before mouthing you okay? I give a small nod before placing my hand on top of hers giving it a light squeeze.

The creak of the bathroom door opening next to us makes my heart jump out of my chest and without another thought, I practically throw Camila's hand off of me.

I don't even bother to look at Camila's reaction as her father steps out smiling at us.

"Hey girls, how are you?" Alejandro asks wiping his hands on the sides of his shirt.

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