Chapter 23

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Chloe's POV: I stir a little in my sleep and feel Jack's arm around me, pulling my back close into his chest as I'm curled up against him. Rolling over to face him, I make a soft noise and bury my slightly pounding head into a blanket as I try to block out the morning light. I feel him shake my shoulder lightly and I let out a groan while tightening the cozy covers around me. Opening my eyes, I look up from the cloth to see Jack's face close to mine as he smiles blissfully at me. Our legs are tangled together under the sheets and I'm pressed up against him. 

"Morning," he says quietly. I smile warmly at him as a response and reach my hand up to play absentmindedly with his curls.  

"Quite the night," I tease him, wrapping his hair around my finger and then releasing it suddenly so it boings back into place. 

Jack laughs at my silliness and I giggle along with him, grinning. Then something in his face changes and it's like he's suddenly hurting. 

He sits up and rests the back of his head against the bedframe, crossing his arms. "My head," he moans, and I remember that we both drank a little bit last night. 

I grimace. "Mine too," I say, and then plant a kiss on his forehead, causing him to flush and wrap his arm around my shoulder as I snuggle into him, holding him around his waist. 

I rise and fall with his chest as he breathes steadily, and I look up at him. Almost as if he feels me looking at him, Jack's eyes flicker down to meet mine and we hold eye contact, silently, before bursting into small giggles. 

"You're adorable," he chuckles, and ruffles my hair affectionately. I smile and he leans down, stealing a kiss as he softly presses his lips against mine for a second. I'm taken slightly by surprise and it's over before I even have time to react.  

"That was lame. You can do better," I laugh as I reach a hand up to cup his cheek, pulling him down to me as our our lips connect. He mumbles something inaudible and smiles into it, pulling away breathlessly after a bit. 

"Chloe can I ask you a question?" he asks directly. I nuzzle my head into his shoulder and frown a little bit, not wanting the kiss to end. 

"Of course." 

He puts his fingers underneath my chin and lifts my head up, forcing me to look into his eyes. "Yes?" I ask cautiously. 

"What are-" he ticks his finger between the two of us. "What are we?" I sit up and look at him for a second, unsure what to say. My eyes flicker down to my bracelet and I fiddle with it anxiously, pondering his question. 

"What do you mean?" I laugh nervously, even though I know exactly what he means. I'm playing dumb and he knows it. 

"I mean, what are we?" he asks again, emphasizing the we. Okay, there's no getting out of this one. 

I hesitate for a second before responding. "We are- we're not- are we? I mean I like you a lot-" his cheeks flush as I stumble over my words. "I just- I mean- I really don't know," I finish out lamely. 

His cheeks are bright red after my spiel and he's noticeably flustered, wringing his hands together. I take one of his hands in mine gently to stop his fidgeting and shoot him a small, slightly nervous smile.  

"It's really up to you. Whatever you want," he says sweetly. I look into his eyes as he squeezes my hand. 

"You don't have to decide right now. I'll always be here," he says sincerely, and I really don't know how to feel anymore. Zach suddenly pops into my thoughts and I shake my head, trying to clear it of him so I can focus on what Jack is saying to me as he begins to ramble. 

"I knew that there was something different about you from the moment I first saw you. The first time we looked at each other, really looked at each other when I caught you looking at my rose tattoo," he smiles a little to himself as the memory resurfaces. "And I saw you smile at me and- let me tell you, it caused a million butterflies in my stomach."

He chuckles quietly. "I was absolutely smitten."

"And then we got to know each other more. Best friends. And I- I fell for you more and more with each day that passed," his cheeks seem to grow rosier, if that's even possible. "Somehow-" he laughs lightly. "Impossibly, we ended up like this," Jack gestures at us and then presses a lingering kiss to the top of my head. 

"I just want you to be happy. That's- that's all I want. If it means me or-" he pauses and then continues. "him or even someone totally different. As long as you're happy, I'm happy......" he trails off, finished voicing his thoughts. 

I sit for a second, taking it all in and processing it. Jack Avery really does care for me. A lot. And the thing is, I care for him too. 

"I......" my eyes slightly fill with tears as I think, and he lightly places his thumb on my face to wipe them away. "I don't know what to say," I say honestly. 

"Then don't," he pulls me into his arms and I bury my head into his chest, holding onto him tightly. We stay like this for a while as he holds me and rocks me. 

I look up at him. "Do you...." he waits patiently as I struggle to word this right. "Could you- could you ever see us?"

"Us?" he furrows his brow. 

My cheeks grow red. "Us," I whisper as I motion back and forth at the two of us. 

He seems to understand now. "Yes," he says simply. 

"I don't want to ruin our friendship," I say cautiously. I couldn't bear to lose him. I would rather just keep him as a best friend than risk our friendship. 

"Nothing-" he says firmly. "-could ever ruin our relationship," he chuckles a little. "Nothing." 

I kiss his cheek softly, and we continue to go back and forth, discussing what if and why not and should we do this. It's complicated. There is no right answer. 

"Okay, good," I smile at him. "I'm gonna go now." I give him a quick hug and then sneak down the stairs, letting myself out the door before any of the other boys realize that I spent the night. 

Hooked on Him - Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now