Chapter 18

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Chloe's POV: I sleepily wake up to the lull of the moving car and discover that I fell asleep on Jack, who smiles down at me affectionately once he feels me stirring. Zach's knee is pressed againt mine due to constrained space in the car, but I can tell that he is trying to keep his distance away from us, trying to ignore the fact that my head is currently resting on Jack's shoulder. Music plays quietly from the speakers and I half-listen to the boys' conversation. We're going to a drive-in movie theater in the middle of nowhere to see Back to the Future, my favorite movie. Jack, Corbyn, and Jonah have all seen it already, but Zach and Daniel have not. ⁣
We pull into a field of grass that is slowly filling up with cars and park at the very front, near the huge movie screen. I yawn and lift my head up off of Jack's shoulder. ⁣
"Sleepy?" he teases and smirks. ⁣
I stretch my arms out in response and then Zach nudges me, laughing. "We're going to see YOUR favorite movie, the least you could do is stay awake." ⁣
I smirk at him and hop out of the car. "Okay, okay!" I giggle, suddenly more awake and excited for the movie. Jonah and Daniel go around to the trunk and get out the inflatable air mattresses and couch, setting them up for us to crash on. The sun starts to set slowly. ⁣
"Where's the food?" Corbyn asks loudly as he looks through the car. ⁣
Jonah gestures to the right. "There's a snack bar over there." ⁣
"I'm going to get some." I announce to the group. "I need popcorn like right now." I start to trudge over to it when I hear a voice behind me. ⁣
"I'll tag along." Footsteps sound behind me and Zach is suddenly right next to me. "Wouldn't want to make you carry it all yourself." He smiles a little, shyly. I'm glad to have company. ⁣
We lightly bump against each other awkwardly as we walk towards the snacks and his brown eyes meet mine. "So.... Back to the Future is a good movie?" he asks lightly, trying to make conversation. ⁣
"It's the best movie EVER!" I say, excited. "An 80s classic for sure. I can't believe you haven't seen it." I elbow him playfully.⁣
"It must be pretty good if you love it so much," he chuckles at my enthusiasm and I smile back at him. ⁣
We stand in line for a few minutes and then step up to order our food. "And what can I get you, gorgeous?" a boy around our age with chestnut hair and stunning blue eyes asks while looking me over, totally ignoring Zach. My cheeks go red at the sudden attention and Zach clears his throat loudly. ⁣
"She'll have a large popcorn. And a Dr. Pepper," he says firmly while his eyes flicker over to mine. I give him a half smile and a slight nod of agreement. ⁣
"Anything else?" the cute cashier asks persistently, his blue eyes piercing mine. Zach orders food for the other boys and I get out some wrinkled bills to pay for us. ⁣
Zach fumbles with his wallet for a second, pulling out two twenties and slapping them down on the counter quickly. He pushes them towards the cashier. ⁣
"Zach!" I laugh. "I was going to pay for all of us." ⁣
"My treat," he says kindly. ⁣
The boys hands us our food and shoots me a small wink, unseen by Zach. I offer him a small smile and we walk back over to the boys. The night air is humid and dense, and the screen lights up with a soft glow. ⁣
"They're back!" Daniel shouts, and we hand over the snacks. Jack's sitting on the inflatable couch, and I sit down next to him, giving him a slushie. He takes a sip, savoring the coldness of it while I pull a light blanket over us. ⁣
"Are you kidding me? It's almost 100 degrees," he struggles to contain his laughter. ⁣
"I want to be cozy!" I defend myself, giggling. ⁣
Daniel, Jonah, and Corbyn are all crashed on the air mattress and Zach casually sits down on the other side of me on the couch. I rest the popcorn in my lap and take a sip of my soda. The movie starts to play and I squeal with excitement, causing Jack to smack me lightheartedly. A young Micheal J. Fox walks onto the screen and I sigh dreamily. ⁣
"What a stud," Zach says, nudging me and laughing. ⁣
"Oh, shut up, he's cuter than you are," I tease him, and he looks at me, fake-hurt. ⁣
"But I'm the cutest," Jack butts in, snickering.
"Shhhhhh," I try to shut them up and focus on the movie. Settling back into the seat, I munch on my popcorn and watch the screen with big eyes. I adore this movie. ⁣
"How do you like it?" I whisper quietly to Zach after some time passes. ⁣
"I love it," he turns his head and whispers back into my ear, sending shivers down my body. ⁣
I look over at Jack and he smiles brightly at me. "Having a good time?" he says huskily. ⁣
"Yea." The movie continues on and I pull the blanket tighter around me. ⁣
I reach my hand into the popcorn bucket and feel fingertips brush mine. Looking down in surprise, I see Zach's hand touching my mine. I peer up at him and our eyes meet. ⁣
"Sorry," he mumbles quietly and my face flames up. I grab some popcorn quickly and move my hand, pretending to be even more interested than I already am in the movie. ⁣
Standing up, I shake my empty drink and the almost empty popcorn bucket. "I'm going to get a refill." ⁣
Zach moves to stand up. "I'm coming with you," his eyes flash. ⁣
"Nooo you're not," I push him back down and laugh. "I'll be fine. Stay and enjoy the movie." ⁣
Zach looks uneasy, and he whispers something to Jack, who stands up. "I'll go. I need to use the bathroom anyways, and I've already seen it." ⁣
"I mean fine, if you need to," I shrug and walk with Jack over to the snack bar. He disappears into the bathroom as I refill both my drink and the popcorn. ⁣
"Hey again," I hear someone say quietly, and I turn around to see the same cashier leaning against the wall lazily, his eyes crinkling at me as he smiles. ⁣
"Oh- hi," I say shyly. ⁣
"I didn't catch your name." ⁣
"I didn't throw it," I smirk. ⁣
He grins nonchalantly at me. "Pretty mystery girl." ⁣
"Crazy cashier boy," I shoot back and he laughs. It's a nice sound. ⁣
"Maybe I'll see you around?" he asks hopefully. ⁣
"Maybe," I laugh and his dazzling blue eyes meet mine. ⁣
He gives me a little wave and goes back behind the counter as I sense Jack walking up behind me. ⁣
"Ready?" he asks. ⁣
"Yea, let's go." We walk back over to the couch and sit back down. We didn't miss much of the movie, and I try to get comfortable as I stare at the screen. ⁣
I feel Jack beside me, and I lean my head comfortably against his shoulder, pressing my legs into his a tiny bit. He looks down at me, unsure how to react. I keep my eyes on the movie but smile softly and I suddenly feel him wrap his arm around me protectively and pull me closer. I snuggle into him with my blanket and press a quick kiss to his cheek. His cheeks flush and I sense eyes on us. Zach stands up abruptly and leaves, deciding to go sit with the rest of the boys. I don't really blame him. ⁣
The movie ends and I slowly stand up, disappointed that the moment is over. "Wasn't it good?"⁣
"Great Scott!" Zach calls from where he's sitting and I laugh. "I loved it." ⁣
"Quoting the movie already," I grin. "Here, I'll take our trash." I gather up some of the mess they created and Jack starts to help me. ⁣
We start to walk over to the trash can and Zach joins us, carrying the rest of the trash. I throw my trash away and then spot the same boy working at the snack bar. He motions for me to come over and I walk over to him after seeing that both Jack and Zach are talking to each other. ⁣
"Can't get rid of me," I tease and his eyes sparkle. ⁣
"Apparently not," he replies. ⁣
I casually place my hand down on the surface and study him. He's cute, a little older than I am. But there's something a little unsettling about how he looks at me, like I'm a prize to be won. ⁣
Before I know what's happening, he places his hand over mine on the counter. The sudden skin contact is startling. I suddenly feel trapped, and I want to pull my hand away. I just met this guy. I don't even know his name. I give him a shaky smile and start to turn away, but he grabs my wrist. ⁣
"Can I get your number?" he purrs, and I start to panic. "Maybe I can take you out sometime." I try to pull away but he tightens his grip on me. My eyes flash. ⁣
"Let go."⁣
"And why would I want to do that?" he leers, and tears prick my eyes as I struggle to get away. His fingers dig into my skin, leaving marks. ⁣

"Get your hands off of her," I hear someone yell, and I hear footsteps come up behind me. Jack clenches his fists. "She's spoken for." ⁣
"By you?" he laughs. "Or by him?" he juts his chin out at Zach, who comes up next to me and pries his fingers away as I slip out of his grip. I fall into Jack's arms and he holds me possessively, stroking my hair as I hold back tears. ⁣
Zach glares at the strange boy. "You asshole. Leave her alone." ⁣
"Make me," he challenges, staring Zach down. Jack pulls me aside and he drags me to the car. ⁣
"Wait- Zach!" I plead as I try to twist around to look at him. ⁣
"He'll be fine," Jack soothes me and I hear raised voices from a distance and a thud. ⁣
"Oh my god! Jack do something!" I cry out as I try to get out of the car and run to Zach. "Jack! They're fighting!" ⁣
Jack blocks the exit. "Stay here," he orders, and I hear sirens in the distance as the boys all head over there to back Zach up. I pound on the locked door. "Let me out!" I scream. ⁣
My fists start to ache as I hit the window over and over again, trying to get out. The cop car pulls into the field and I see someone pull the two boys apart. They stumble into the light and I see what damage has been done. Zach's jaw is bruised and swollen, and he's panting heavily. The creep has a black eye and looks broken. ⁣
I hear a cop exchange low words with them. My eyes widen as he handcuffs both of them and forces them in the car. ⁣
My hand flies to my mouth. "Oh my god....." I whisper. ⁣

Hooked on Him - Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now