Chapter 12

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Chloe's POV:
"Are we there yet?" I've been stuck in the car with these boys for about 3 hours, and however much I love them, enough is enough. We're on our way to their lake house to meet their families to celebrate the 4th of July. Perks of being friends with someone famous: holiday trips to the their nice lake house. ⁣
"Almost!" Jonah calls from the drivers seat. I'm sandwiched between Zach and Jack, and it's been interesting to say the least. From fortnite battles to chowing down on junk food to sing alongs. Everyone's kinda worn out now and just ready to get there. Zach's asleep on my shoulder and he just looks so cute as he sleeps. Innocent. I lean my head against his and readjust my earbuds, closing my eyes. ⁣
I wake up to Jack shaking me lightly. "We're here!" Zach groans and slowly sits up. My phone lights up with a text message and Zach's eyes flicker over to it and he smirks. ⁣
"Timelapse? That's a good song," he teases. My cheeks flush as I realize what song I was listening to. His song. ⁣
"One of my favorites," I smile at him and he laughs. We all head inside and I spot Zach's family. He leads me over to them. ⁣
"You must be Chloe! I've heard all about you, it's so nice to finally meet you!" Mrs. Herron gushes as she comes over and gives me a tight hug. I hug her back and then introduce myself to his dad. A little girl who must be Reese is looking up at me in awe. I squat down eye level next to her and smile. ⁣
"Hi, I'm Chloe." ⁣
"I'm Reese," she says and gives me a hug. She's adorable. I can already tell I'm gonna have a lot of fun with her. ⁣
We head to our rooms and unpack. I've got my own room, thank god. But now that I think about it I wouldn't have really minded sharing with Zach. I hear a knock and Daniel stands at the door.⁣
"Change into your swimsuit, we're gonna check out the lake." He leaves and I change into my bikini. Standing in front of the mirror, I pull my hair into a ponytail and look at myself. I've never been in a swimsuit in front of them before. Whatever. I walk out to where the boys are waiting and I hear Zach let out a low whistle. He doesn't look too bad himself. I stare obviously at him, drinking in the sight of shirtless Zach Herron. He winks at me and I giggle. And Jack's trying not to stare at me but failing miserably. The rest of the boys look me over too, and I see Corbyn elbow Jonah and whisper something. ⁣
"Hey there good looking," Zach says and wraps one arm around me. My skin tingles at his touch. Jack's got a sour expression on his face, but he catches himself and, shaking his head, puts a smile on his face. ⁣
"Let's go!" I grab Zach's hand and run out to the dock. The boys follow us and we get on the boat. I settle back into the cushion as we head onto the lake. The breeze feels nice as the sun beats down on us. Zach's got his arm around my shoulder and I lean back into him. ⁣
"We're gonna go tubing," I perk up instantly and look at him. The other boys take their turns on the tube and we laugh and watch. Finally it's our turn. ⁣
The lake water sprays in my face as I hang on for dear life on the tube, laughing and bouncing up and down. Zach's next to me, about to fall off, as the boat pulls us through the water. My hand accidentally releases from the handle and my legs slide across the float, wiping Zach off and bringing me down with him. Water flies in my face as I go under and pop back up, treading water. Zach's a few feet away, and the float is up ahead, stopped by the boat. We look at each other and burst out laughing. I swim back to the float and Jonah tugs us back to the boat. ⁣
"That was fun!" I laugh as I climb dripping wet onto the boat. ⁣
"You wiped out!" Corbyn yells with glee. We hang out on the boat for a little while longer, listening to music and chatting, before heading back to the dock. Standing on the dock, I feel someone come up behind me and then I'm falling into the lake, landing with a splash. I come up for air and glare at Jack, who is laughing at me from the dock. ⁣
"Gotcha." He gets a running start and cannonballs into the lake, making a huge splash. The rest of the boys take turns jumping in and soon we're all floating in the lake. I swim over to Zach, who picks me up bridal style as I laugh. He looks down at me.⁣
"My princess." ⁣
I smile up at him and lose myself in his eyes. Deep, brown, and full of affection. After swimming for a while longer, we get out and head to the golf cart. I raise my eyebrows as Zach gets in the drivers seat. ⁣
"I don't want to die today," I say. ⁣
"Babe you'll be fine, I can drive," he says confidently. We all pile in and Zach drives us around the property, almost crashing into trees several times. Somehow we all make it out alive. ⁣
When we get back to the house Mr. Herron and the dads are grilling burgers for us. It smells absolutely delicious. The sun is starting to set and I play tag with Reese and the boys as we wait for dinner. ⁣
"Here." I look over and Zach's got two plates piled high with food. ⁣
"Thanks!" We all sit down on the picnic blankets and chow down. "I can't think of any better way to celebrate this holiday than with you. Thanks for inviting me out here." ⁣
"Of course," Zach and Jack both say at the same time, causing the other boys to laugh. ⁣
After eating, someone brings out a guitar. ⁣
"Hey, bring it over here!" I call out. Jonah hands it to me and I pick at it, playing a melody. I don't really like performing in front of people, but these guys are my friends. I play a few songs and everyone joins in singing, laughing and clapping along. ⁣
"You're really good," Zach says as he squeezes my arm. ⁣
"Not as good as you," I say as I hand it over to him. He looks surprised.⁣
"You want ME to play?" He asks as I laugh. ⁣
"Yep! Serenade me," I joke. Zach strums down and a deep chord rings out. He begins to sing and I realize that he's playing Thinking Out Loud. Oh, he really is going to serenade me. ⁣
"Take me into your loving arms.....kiss my under the light of a thousand stars..." the whole world seems to fade away as Zach sings to me, and it's a wonderful feeling, one I bet every single one of his fans wants. His fingers move quickly as he changes chords and strums the guitar. The whole thing is a little cheesy, but I love it. The song finishes and I look at him, speechless. He sets the guitar aside and opens his arms and so I crawl into his lap, snuggling into him. I hear everyone else start cheering and clapping, and Jonah lets out a big whistle. Zach leans down and kisses my cheek. ⁣
"Just for you, princess." ⁣
A few minutes later, fireworks explode across the sky and sparks rain down. I take in the beauty of the explosions and bright colors. I've always loved watching fireworks on the 4th of July. I point at the sky. ⁣
"Look, look at those! I've never seen fireworks like that before," I say as a gold explosion bursts through the sky.⁣
"Happy 4th of July," Zach whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spine. This really was an amazing way to spend my 4th of July. ⁣

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