Chapter 20

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Chloe's POV: "No, no, no that sounded all wrong!" Daniel frowns as he holds a chord for slightly too long on his guitar and misses the start of the verse, fumbling to catch up. I'm distracted by his mistake and my fingers slip on the keyboard, landing on the wrong notes erroneously. Jack winces at the sound and tries to sing a killer high note, but it comes out as pitchy and breathless. 

"Guys.... guys!" Zach says loudly, removing his guitar from his shoulder and flopping onto the couch. "This isn't working." 

"We need a break," Corbyn chimes in, stepping away from his microphone. Jonah nods his head in agreement and sits down next to Zach. I remove my fingers from the keyboard and place them in my lap. 

"Should I order a pizza?" Jack asks and pulls out his phone. 

"Yes!" Daniel says excitedly. 

"That's exactly what we need right now." I smile at Jack and he goes into the kitchen to order. We've been jamming out together for a solid 5 hours straight, just bumming around and making music. I guess we lost track of the time. 

I get up from the keyboard and go sit down on the other side of Zach. "You sounded really good on the piano," he says honestly. 

I laugh. "You're a liar then because I so screwed that up," I cringe and think of my fingers falling onto the wrong notes. 

"Okay, maybe there were a few mistakes here and there but I can let those slide......," he chuckles and setles back onto the couch, placing his hands behind his head. 

Jack comes back in and, grabbing the gaming controllers, leans against the couch next to me. He hands one over to Zach and keeps one for himself. I hold my hand out expectantly and he smirks at me. 

"You want to play?" he leans in slightly over the armrest and draws his mouth up in a half smile, keeping the controller just out of my reach. 

"Avery I'm gonna kick your ass." I say confidently and narrow my eyes at him. He staggers backwards and holds his hands up in mock surrender, handing the controller over to me. Zach looks at me, a little surprised. 

"You play Fortnite?" he asks.

"All the time," I lie and fiddle with the controller. I've actually never played before, but they don't need to know that. 

"Somehow I don't believe her-" Jack mutters quietly to Zach and I elbow him hard as he sits down, causing him to laugh. 

Daniel plucks absentmindedly at his guitar and hums along while Jonah sits on the armchair with his nose buried deep in a book. Probably Harry Potter. Again. Corbyn stands and watches as we play, deeply engaged as he yells at the screen excitedly. They definitely do love their Fortnite. 

I side-eye Zach's controller as he moves his fingers quickly and stares at the TV intently. My eyes flicker back over to the screen and I struggle to keep up, fumbling as I play. Jack snickers at me and I fake-glare at him, grinning. I actually have no clue what in the world I'm doing. 

"I won!" Zach jumps up from the couch victoriously. I sigh and lean back into the couch, and Jack throws one arm around my shoulder. 

"Kick my ass huh?" he laughs. 

"Oh shut up, you didn't win. He did," I say.  

Jonah looks up from his book and shakes his head, smiling. "Y'all are almost too enthusiastic about that game." 

"Oh no, they definitely are," I chuckle. The doorbell rings and Corbyn comes back with our pizza. I scramble to grab a piece or two before the boys hog it all and then sit back down, satisfied. It grows quiet as we all devour our food. 

Hooked on Him - Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now