Chapter 4

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Chloe's POV: I check my reflection in the mirror one last time and step out of my car. We agreed to meet at TCBY for ice cream, innocent enough right? Walking into the ice cream parlor, I spy a group of boys chatting loudly and elbowing each other while eating ice cream.

"Where is she-"

"Is she cute?"

"Zach has a CRUSHHHHH!"

I giggle softly to myself and walk over to their table.

"Chloe!" Zach stands up and gives me a huge hug. My feet lift off of the ground a bit and I bury my head in his shoulder, breathing in his scent.


We break apart and the other boys stare with knowing looks. After a second, I slide into the booth and see a cup of ice cream.

"For me?" I point.

"Yea." Zach says. "I got you chocolate because I know you love it and I hope it's okay-"

I cut him off. "It's perfect."

"So who's who?"

The tall boy with dark hair and a kind face speaks first. "I'm Jonah. It's nice to meet you, gas station girl."

I smile. "You too."

"And it's not like he's been talking about her nonstop," he mutters as an aside to the blonde, which causes me to blush.

"I'm Corbyn," says the blonde.

"And I'm-"

"Wait!" I cut off the boy with a cute tooth gap and brown hair, peering at his face.

"You're Daniel Seavey! I recognize you from American Idol."

He laughs. "Yea that's me."

"And you must be Jack." I look at the boy sitting across from me with a mop of curly hair and pale skin that is flushed slightly pink. Our eyes meet and we hold eye contact.


I see Zach shoot Jack a look and kick him under the table. I swirl some ice cream around with my spoon and then eat a spoonful, savoring the taste of the cool sweetness and chunks of brownie. Zach's knee knocks against mine, sending fireworks across my whole body.

"Do you play any instruments?" Daniel asks eagerly.

"Yes! I play guitar and ukulele, and I also know a few chords on piano."

"Maybe I can help you sometime on piano," Jack says mildly.

I perk up. "Yea, that'd be fun!" There's a weird expression on Zach's face that I can't really read.

"Well, I play cello, guitar, saxophone...." As Daniel's list goes on and on, I use this as an opportunity to study Jack.

His unkempt hair looks like noodles. Not the type of look I would usually like, but it works for him. He's got several piercings and tattoos. As he rests his arms on the table, I see a rose tattoo and I'm struck by the simple beauty of it. Jack feels my eyes on his wrist and looks down at it. We both look up and our eyes meet. He shoots me a small smile and looks away.

"Daniel! She gets it, you're talented," Corbyn laughs.

"You're all talented," I gesture at them. "I'm impressed."

"As you should be," Zach says jokingly. I swat his arm and laugh. I readjust and our arms are suddenly pressed tight together on the table, touching. Neither one of us moves to change it.

"You should come to a show sometime, Chloe," Jonah says.

"I'd love to!" I say eagerly. "But...." I pretend to think "Only if I can get a limelight pass and the autograph of those famous Why Don't We boys!!" I joke.

"Don't be silly, you'd be my plus one," Zach says, and our fingertips brush together.

A shadow seems to pass over Jack's face, but it's gone in an instant, back to normal, back to laughing and talking. I feel something under the table and his foot is suddenly pressed into mine by accident. He doesn't miss a beat, and we stay like this.

The other boys are so nice. Jonah is incredibly kind and seems to be the father of the group. He also likes Harry Potter, so I like him already. Corbyn is smart as a whip and we go back and forth having a heated discussion about black holes and space, which seems to bore the other boys. Daniel is just adorable. He's very sweet and also incredibly talented. Jack. Where do I start? We get along so well and have the same sense of humor with stupid jokes and puns. It feels like I'm on a slight high when I make him laugh, and that sound is music to my ears. And Zach... well, Zach is Zach. Nothing more needs to be said about him. I know that I've found new best friends for life.

I check the time on my phone and stand up. "I've gotta go now. It's getting late." The boys grow restless.

"Aww no!"

"Don't leave!"

Zach makes big eyes at me and pouts. "Please?"

I laugh and shrug. "Sorry, not my fault." I go over to Jonah first and give him a big hug. He whispers "You and Zach huh?" and smirks. I roll my eyes.

"Nope." At least not yet.

Corbyn gives me a hug. "Come see us again soon, kay?"

"Sure thing."

Daniel's hug squeezes the life out of me. All that's left is Jack and Zach. I turn to Jack. Wrapping my arms around him, I hold him tight, and he puts his arms around my waist. I feel Zach's eyes on us, but he doesn't say anything. Jack whispers into my ear "I'll see you soon," and we break apart.

"I'll walk you out," Zach says. Our arms brush and then he does it. He grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers. My cheeks grow rosy, and glancing at him I can see that his do the same. He walks me to my car, but neither of us want to leave. I throw my arms around him and he holds me close.



"I really like your friends."

"I'm glad. They like you too."

He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. "I'm gonna miss you."

I laugh. "I'm not going anywhere. We can hang out again soon."

"Just the two of us?"

"If you'd like." I smile into his eyes and lean in to kiss him quickly on the cheek. Pulling away, I can see his eyes sparkling. I hop into my car and give him one last wave as I drive away. 

Hooked on Him - Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now