Chapter 11

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Chloe's POV: It's been a few days since that eventful morning. Zach, Jack, and I apologized to everyone for our childish behavior, and things are back to normal in the WDW house. As normal as things can be with 5 boys living together. Zach and I have a "thing", I think, but we still aren't officially dating. Jack and I have gotten closer, I'm really starting to appreciate what a good friend he is to me. We're hanging out right now, at the park, dragging our feet on the swings as we sit and chat. ⁣⁣
"And so then," Jack giggles, "Zach missed a step on stage and dislocated his knee! Right in the middle of our show!" ⁣⁣
I burst into laughter. "That's horrible!" I feel bad for laughing, but why am I not surprised? It it Zach, after all. "Poor Zach." I struggle to contain myself. ⁣⁣
Jack shakes his head. "Oh, Zach." ⁣⁣
"Tour life sounds pretty crazy." ⁣⁣
"It is," he agrees, scuffing up rocks with his shoes underneath our swings. "I love touring, but sometimes it's weird to think about how big we've gotten." ⁣⁣
I smile. "The famous Why Don't We boys." I pretend to swoon. "I'm your BIGGEST fan!" Jack laughs. ⁣⁣
"I know," he says simply. "It's just strange because everywhere we go, someone is always watching. My life is now publicly on display for everyone, and sometimes I just want to keep some things to myself. But I do love meeting my fans and seeing what an impact I've made on them." ⁣⁣
"I bet you've met some pretty girls," I say, before I can stop myself. ⁣⁣
"None as pretty as you," he says, and my cheeks flush. ⁣⁣
"AVERY! Friends!" I smack his arm lightly and he laughs. ⁣⁣
"I know, I know," Jack smiles warmly at me and kicks his legs up, starting to slightly swing. "I can't help that I'm so smooth." ⁣⁣
"You wish," I laugh, and swing a little higher. ⁣⁣
He wiggles his eyebrows at me. ⁣⁣
"Stop!!" I'm cracking up now, and I almost fall out of my swing. "You're gonna be the death of me." ⁣⁣
"Careful there, clumsy." ⁣⁣
I glare at him. "It was YOUR fault!" Jack shakes his head and laughs at me. Our friendship is no longer awkward, it's more like he flirts with me all the time now and I just call him out on it. It's an interesting relationship. ⁣⁣
I check the time. Shoot. We gotta run if the plan is going to work. Jack has no idea. I put on a big smile. ⁣⁣
"Hey Jack, can we head back to your place? It's getting kinda hot out here." ⁣⁣
"Sure. Maybe we can get stop for Starbucks or something if you're hot?" ⁣⁣
I panic. We need to be back in time. "No!" he looks at me and laughs a little. "I mean.... no, I'd rather just go home because I'm so tired." ⁣⁣
"Okay, okay." He hold his hands up in mock surrender and we head for the car. "I didn't think you were one to turn down Starbucks. Especially if I'm paying......." he draws this out, trying to convince me. ⁣⁣
"Another time," I smile at him. We make the short drive home and get out. I hope that everything is set up. Zach said he would take care of it. Jack gets out of the car and leans against it. ⁣⁣
"So." he says. ⁣⁣
I make my way for the door but he grabs my hand. "Yes?" I spin around, a lil annoyed. We should be in there by now. But then I see the smile on his face and soften. ⁣⁣
"I just wanted to let you know I had a fun time with you today. Hanging out." He shifts from side to side. ⁣⁣
"I did too, Jack." He pulls me in for a hug and strokes my hair. I stay in his arms for a heartbeat, and then pull him towards the door. "C'mon, fun's not over yet!" I grin wickedly and swing open the door, revealing a decorated house full of Jack's family and friends. ⁣⁣
"Happy birthday Jack!!" they call out loudly as  we step through the door. His face is flushed red and he has a huge grin across his face. ⁣⁣
"You-" he points and me and I laugh. Corbyn comes to meet us and gives me a high five. ⁣⁣
"We pulled it off!" ⁣⁣
Maya gives me a hug, her eyes flickering over to Corbyn. "Who's that?" she whispers. ⁣⁣
I laugh and pull her over to him. "Corbyn, my best friend Maya. Maya, this goof Corbyn." He turns slightly red. ⁣⁣
"H-hi." Whoa. He's never been one to stutter. I smirk knowingly at her and move on, chatting with all of our friends at the party. ⁣⁣
I spot Jonah flirting with some girls. Daniel has a pretty girl with brown hair on his arm. Good for him. ⁣⁣
Jack walks over to me laughs. "Y'all planned all this? For me?" ⁣⁣
I'm about to answer when I feel someone wrap his arms around my waist and plant a kiss on my cheek. "It is your birthday, Jack." I whip around and grin. ⁣⁣
"We did a hell of a job, Zach. He had no idea." Zach snorts. ⁣⁣
The party passes by in a blur. Pretty soon he's blowing out the candles on his cake as we all crowd around and sing happy birthday. ⁣⁣
"Make a wish!" I say as Zach throws his arm around my shoulder. ⁣⁣
"Trust me, I did." Jack looks me over. We head out into their backyard to eat our cake and I perch on Zach's lap. ⁣⁣
"Mhmmm yummy," Zach stabs a piece of cake at my mouth and I laugh and eat it. ⁣⁣
"So good!" I say with my mouth half full, giggling. I shriek as Zach manages to smear cream cheese icing all over my nose. ⁣⁣
"Zach!!" He throws me off of his lap lightly and runs. ⁣⁣
"Can't catch me!" Zach taunts. I run through the backyard, ducking and pushing through people laughing until I spot him and run up to him, cornering him at the side of the pool. I grab a fistful of his shirt and push him over the side. He would have gone flying into the pool if he hadn't dug his heels into the ground, still teetering on the edge. ⁣⁣
"You wouldn't." ⁣⁣
I laugh. "Oh, but I would." Smirking, I kiss him, hard, and push him over the side, but before I can react he's grabbed onto me and we're both falling, falling, falling, before splashing loudly into the pool. ⁣⁣
Treading water, I see that other people have started to dive into the pool now, clothes and all. Zach pops his head above water and I jump on his back. ⁣⁣
"Zachary Dean Herron you pulled me in!" I laugh. ⁣⁣
"You pushed me!" Fair point. He walks us over to the side and I grab a cup off the end, chugging whatever is in it and dumping the remains on his head. He laughs. ⁣⁣
"My hair!" and then takes a drink from his cup. I run my fingers through his hair, playing with it. The music is blasting loud and the pool is filling up with people who can't stand the heat and jumped in with their clothes on. Zach and I hang out together in the pool for a while before I realize that I haven't seen Jack in a while. Scanning the party, I don't see him. ⁣⁣
"Have you seen Jack?" I half-yell into Zach's ear. ⁣⁣
"What??" ⁣⁣
"JACK! Have you seen him?" He shakes his head no and I climb out of the pool. ⁣⁣
"Be right back! Imma look for him!" Both the house and backyard are full of people, and I run through the house dripping wet twice and still can't find him. I step out onto the front porch and almost trip over Jack, who is sitting on the steps, alone. ⁣⁣
"Jack," I giggle. "I was looking all over for you." I sit down next to him. "Something wrong?" ⁣⁣
He smiles at me. "No, no, not at all. I just needed a break for a second. Some time to myself." ⁣⁣
"I can leave if you want." I start to leave but he stops me. ⁣⁣
"Nah, you're good." I'm glad I can stay with him. I feel a bit off. I don't think I should have drank so much, and I can tell that Jack knows we've been drinking. Then again, so has he. ⁣⁣
"Chloe." He looks at me. "Thank you. For putting this together." And I don't mean to, but I'm suddenly just so tired and I lean into him. He wraps one arm around me and puts his head against mine. ⁣⁣
"Thank you for being such a great friend. Thank you for always being there for me when I need you. Thank you for this. This moment." ⁣⁣
I close my eyes and we sit quietly on the porch together. "Happy birthday, Jack." ⁣⁣

Hooked on Him - Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now