Failed Attempt At Sneaking Out #3

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(Your POV)


You think you have it this time.

As silently as possible, you carefully shut your bedroom door. Tiptoeing down the hall, you make it to the stairs. You creep down those just as quietly and make it to the foyer.

This is where he always catches you.

You brace yourself.


It comes as a surprise when he doesn't jump out of the shadows and catch you.

Is he...

...not showing up?

It's not like it matters, this'll just be easier for you. Turning the knob, you open the door. The cool night air hits you, a fresh breath of freedom.


It's 12 o'clock at night, the roads are pretty desolate. Every few minutes or so, a car goes down your normally busy street. You start your walk to Byungchul's house. He's having another party. As one of you and your sister's best friends (and occasional partner in crime), he's decided to throw a party every night until you make it to one. You pull out your phone and start texting him when a car passes, making you jump.

Jeez, calm down.

You're fine.

You finish texting him when you start to feel off. Bringing your gaze away from your phone, you look around. Nothing seems to be amiss. There's a car down the street and what seems to be someone walking their dog even further down. A bit strange to be walking a dog at this time of night, but nothing unsettling.

Chill, woman.

Why are you so jumpy?

It's most likely because of Jimin. He's always lurking, meaning your head is constantly on a swivel. You continue to walk.

A minute or so later, that strange feeling returns. Your head is brought up as you scan the area again. Nothing's wrong. The dog walker is a bit farther now, and the car is still–



Shouldn't it've passed me by now?

That car's moving, you can see the wheels turning. But why's it going so slowly?

You feel off.


Keep going.

You try to shrug it off, but the wary feeling stays. Though subconsciously, your pace quickens. You can only hope to arrive at Byungchul's house soon.

With an eye on the car, you keep walking.

Your stomach churns when it creeps closer.

This can't be good. You've heard stories of what happens to girls who go out alone at night. None of them end well.

Maybe this wasn't a good idea.

What if I just turn back?

Home isn't that far away.

No, I can't.

Then whoever's following me will know where I live.

You're a decent way to the party, anyway.

Keep going.

Pray the car leaves.

You take another subtle glance back at the vehicle. It's getting awfully close now. You can't even get a good description of the car, as it's too dark to make out any details. All you know is the car's black, with what seems to be tinted windows.

Guarded: PJMOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz