XXXVII. Seizure ✔️

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"The old man's worried, yah know." Thirteen year old Hidan leaned against the door frame of Hinata's room. The room was pitch black with the exception of light seeping in from behind him.

A small ball in the center of the full sized bed shifted into an upright position. Once lively, pale lavender eyes were now a dull gray that bored through the white haired boy. "Close the door."

"Hinata, it's almost a week since you last left this room. What's wrong?"

The six year old heiress' eyes narrowed dangerously. "Close. The. Door."

Hidan gripped the door handle and took a step pass the threshold. He urged, "You need to eat, Hinata. If you keep this up you'll kill yourself."

Cynical laughter bubbled from the frail child's body. It was a chilling sound that filled the room with dread. It was as if she was a completely different person. The intensity of her leer made the hairs on the back of the boy's neck stand to attention. "I'm curious," she tilted her head in a peculiar manner. "How do you kill something that's already dead?"


She thought she was going to die.

It was only night two and Hinata felt as if the little life she possessed was slowly slipping from her body. Ever since she stepped onto Kurama soil the demons in her head had been screaming, pleading, crying. She was beginning to think that these weren't imaginary voices her mind had concocted. She'd read somewhere that the Kurama suffered from many deaths which brought both the birth and death rates to an all time low. Maybe, just maybe, the voices she was hearing were the dead souls that demon girl living in the attic had murdered.

'Get out! You have to get out!'

'Save me!'

'Mommy, I'm scared.'

On and on it went. Mixed in with the souls of the damned were her demons cackling and sneering.

'Your child is a devil.'

'You'll both rot in hell.'

Hinata couldn't even use the candle to subdue them. The sheer magnitude of their presence was pressing forcefully against the barrier until she was forced the blow it out so she didn't overuse it. Now, she was laying in the center of her dusty room in the dark. A cool draft blew in through the creaky floorboards but she didn't notice. The young leader's arms trembled as she pushed herself up into a sitting position.

She thought, I have to get out of here.

Her stomach gave a painful lurch and that's when she knew it was now or never. She wasn't strong enough to clean up a pool of 'suspicious black substance.' The world spun in angles as she wobbled to the door and twisted the knob. The door swung open and she fell forward. Hinata awaited the impact of her body hitting the floor but she was caught by a pair of arms.

"Hinata," Neji exclaimed. By the slight pitch in his tone she knew he was surprised. "Hinata, what is the matter with you? You don't look good."

The thirteen year old dug her face in the boy's robe. She muffled, "Get m-me out of here, brother. I need-need the hospital." That was all she could manage before she collapsed like dead weight.


Sixteen year old Hyuuga twins Hiashi and Hizashi lounged on the front steps of the main house compound. The two were carbon copies of each other, identical down to their fingerprints. The only thing that differed was their hair. While Hiashi wore his light brown hair down, Hizashi wore his black hair in a low ponytail with a bandage over his forehead concealing his curse mark.

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