XXXII. Revelations ✔️

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The sound of puking filled the tiny bathroom. Hinata wretched into the bowel, spilling black blood onto the tile floor. I hate life so much right now, she inwardly groaned. Once she finished vomiting up half her life and a kidney, she shakily flushed the toilet and crumbled to the floor. The door was slightly ajar, and Kiba peeked in from his spot on the bed.

He said unsure, "Are you sure you don't want me to-"

"No!" she croaked out. "D-don't come in here. I-I'm alright." She didn't want to alarm him with the sight of blood instead of normal bile. He'd probably go into cardiac arrest. Yanking tissue from the roll, she quickly wiped the floor and flushed it down the toilet. Hinata brushed her teeth before exiting the bathroom in one of her nightgowns. She was pleasantly surprised to find that all her clothes were still neatly hung in his closet.

Kiba automatically wrapped his arms around her from behind and rubbed her bubbling stomach in what he believed to be a soothing method.

Hinata cringed, "You're making me sick again."

"Oh, sorry." He immediately ceased, settling for holding her instead.

She mumbled, "You sure like to hug more than usual."

He whispered while squeezing her, "I'm scared this ain't real, that you'll leave."

Twisting around, the thirteen year old held his ruggedly boyish face in her hands and lightly patted his cheek. "I promised to never leave you again. Best friends forever, remember?"

The Inuzuka boy's expression looked pained as he shut his eyes tight. Releasing Hinata, headed towards the door. "Lets get some food in that belly." They went downstairs and entered the kitchen to see Tsume standing at the stove with an apron tied upside down around her waist. Kiba blanched, "Ma! What the hell are you doing here!"

She flipped a pancake and glanced over her shoulder at them. She said, "Hana's out on a mission so y'all just gone have to deal with me for breakfast. She did make dinner, though."

He took a protective stance in front of his best friend. "You tryin' to kill the baby by poisoning her? You burn water!"

Before the two could enter a heated argument subsequently leading the pancakes to catch on fire, Hinata intervened. "Tsume-san, arigatou for fixing us breakfast. I, well, the baby is a little hungry."

The rugged woman grinned. "That pup is a miracle in disguise. You never willingly ask for food. The two of you sit. I'll serve y'all in a minute."

As they shuffled over to the round dining table, Kiba scooted extremely close to Hinata and glared at her. He spoke lowly, "You're tryin' to kill the baby, aren't you?"

"Kiba-kun," she rolled her eyes, "Tsume isn't that bad of a cook. Stop being rude."

He made a face but didn't reply. Hinata felt as if she was on clouds right now. It had only been two days since they made up but she felt a hundred times better than she had in a long time. Although Kiba was clingier than before, she didn't mind at all, actually missing his annoyingly protective behavior. The only downside was that she didn't have time to meditate and recover more of her lost memory. Kiba was by her side 24/7 which meant he barely even wanted her to use the bathroom with the door closed. With him clinging to her during the night, she couldn't sneak away to the roof to meditate. But, she supposed this was a good thing that meant she wouldn't have to use the barrier candle right off the bat when she left. She'd be well rested enough to not come off as cold or rude in the beginning, at least.

Tsume served everyone miniature pancakes (for Hinata's sake) with a side of grapes and pineapples. It was a simple breakfast that even she couldn't screw up and was light enough to not agitate the Hyuuga girl's sensitive stomach. While they ate, she asked what their plans for today were.

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