XXV. Puzzle Pieces ✔️

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It's not very long but I'll still mark when to SKIP and END
for those wanting to avoid it


Hinata released an audible sigh as she sunk into the steaming water. She was tired from sight seeing with Sakura and Ino glaring daggers at her out the corner of her eye. Honestly, if she'd known that Ino felt more than just a childish crush she would have broken the nonexistent relationship a long time ago. It was getting irritating silently killing the Hyuuga with her eyes. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Right as the tension was released from her body, the wooden doors slid open and out came another person. And here Hinata thought she was going to have the bath all to herself. A splash nearby made her shut eyes scrunch. She thought, Out of all the space here she chooses to sit next to me? She opened her eyes and low and behold it was her blonde haired friend.

She groaned. "What now, Ino?"

"I want to know why," mumbled the Yamanaka. The humidity made her cheeks flush and hair stick to her skin. "I deserve to know why."

"Why what?"

"Why you don't want me anymore." The twelve year old glided closer to the young Hyuuga head. "A year passes and you don't act the same or look at me the same. Yeah, Hiashi died but you weren't this transformed during the academy."

Hinata leaned back and stared up at the night sky. Yu was a very pretty place at night. Although the blank expression on her face gave nothing away, on the inside she was screaming. This was supposed to be a vacation for her, right? Then why hasn't it felt like one? She answered after a while, "That's because I'm not the same. The Hinata you knew was just a mask but I've grown tired of wearing masks. I'm tired, Ino."

"But that doesn't explain why you aren't reciprocating my feelings." Ino pressed her naked body flush against the other girl's side and rubbed like a cat in heat. "Have you been naughty, Hinata? Is the reason you don't want me because you've already given yourself to somebody else? To multiple people? Did you have sex with that girl in the picture? She looked a little older than us." The blonde haired girl slowly slid her hand up Hinata's inner thigh but she clamped her legs closed.

"Ino," Hinata narrowed her eyes in warning.

"What? This is how she touched you, right? Or are you interested in guys now?" She lightly nipped her ear. "If I let you have your way with me, will you love me?"

Hinata clenched her eyes shut with her hands balled at her sides. Her lower region was throbbing in anticipation and blind at who the pursuer was. "Ino."

She grinned seductively against her ear. "Be my Hiname again," she whispered.

Hinata's eyes instantly shot open and she shoved Ino away. She didn't give the other girl a chance to recover as she scrambled out the water and bolted for the entrance while grabbing her robe in the process. It wasn't until she was safely back in her room did she exhale and let her body deflate. How close? She inwardly panicked, How close was I to letting Ino play me like that? If I did do that with her...she'd do everything in her power to stay attached to me. A shudder went down her spine at the thought.

"Hinata?" Sakura's inquisitive and soft voice spoke in the dark. She was in bed wearing a thin nightgown. The bubblegum haired kunoichi rubbed the sleep from her eyes while yawning. "You're done soaking already? I hope Ino didn't disturb you too much."

Sakura. Tightening the robe around her frame, she made her way to the bed and climbed in beside her second best friend. Sakura is always there for me...always on my side. The corners of her mouth tilted upward.

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