XXX. Hell Hath No Fury ✔️

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Sakura lounged lazily on the porch of the Uchiha compound, twiddling her toes in the gentle breeze. She was still in Sasuke's hell-made robe and the sun hadn't weakened its glare on that Saturday. Her waist length, pink hair grazed the wooden steps behind her. Finally, she was able to have a moment of peace to herself. All morning everyone had been fussing over her. They wouldn't let her walk by herself, eat by herself, piss by herself. It was infuriating. And to make matters even worse, she and Itachi were on the outs. It's wasn't anything he did in particular, nor did they get into a fight. Sakura just wanted to be left alone and having him glare daggers into her forehead because she was ignoring him was getting old.

The sound of the doors sliding open made her inwardly groan. "Sakura," Sasuke grumbled, "I've been looking everywhere for you."

She uttered, "Well, you obviously weren't looking hard enough."

He carefully grabbed her upper arm. "C'mon. Kaa-san has turned the entire compound upside down looking for you. You know you aren't supposed to be by yourself right now."

"I'm fine!" she huffed, crossing her arms defiantly. "How else did I get outside? I walked! I'm not going to randomly keel over."

Her teammate's grip tightened. "You still have a fever and judging from the amount you ate at breakfast, you aren't well enough to be alone. It hasn't even been an entire day, Sakura. Stop being a wimp. I've lived with them my entire life. You can handle a few days."

She pouted.

Hauling her up, Sakura's body fell right into the Uchiha boy's hold. He arched a brow at her as if to say 'what were you saying?'

Sakura grumbled, "I just lost my balance."


"What does your mom want, anyway?"

He sighed. "Dress fitting for you and Aisako. And I don't know what for, so don't ask."

"Pushy," she muttered.

Sasuke turned them around to go back inside when a shout from afar caught their attention. Hana came sprinting towards them with a look of sheer distress on her face. They waited for her to catch her breath, both of them bewildered. Hana was a calm and collected individual. They had never seen her look like that before. Then all of a sudden, it clicked in Sakura's mind.

She demanded, "Sakiko. Where's Sakiko?"

Hana wheezed, "Sakura, he got hurt during the hunt. Kiba's with him right now at the hospital. We brought him back as soon as we could; it was a three hour run from our location."

"What happened?" whispered the thirteen year old girl. No, no, no. Not her sweet cousin, her Sakiko.

Sasuke's usual cold expression was replaced with deep concern. "Sakura...maybe we should sit down inside and talk."

She protested, "No. I need to hear what happened now."

The eighteen year old said, "He went off hunting with two other girls. They were trying to take down an elk but it struck Sakiko through the back with its antlers. He just got out of surgery but I left to find you right after, so I didn't hear what the doctor had to say. He's alive, though."

"I need to see him." There was no time to waste. Sakiko needed her. He needed her more now than he ever did before. The young girl's heart beat erratically in her chest and her breaths labored.

"Sakura, hey, calm down," Sasuke gently shook her. "You can't go now, especially not with the condition you're in. Your fever-"

She growled, "I don't care about my fucking fever, Sasuke! My cousin is in the hospital and needs me! Fuck a fever, fuck my fatigue! Take me to him or I'll find someone who will!"

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