XXVII. 2 Months ✔️

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Sakura tapped her foot impatiently as she stood at the front door. "Come on, Saki!" she yelled.

"I'm coming!" came a rushed reply. Seconds later, the omega came bounding down the stairs with a wide grin on his face. Without missing a beat, he snatched the thirteen year old girl's hand and sprinted out the door. She giggled wildly and ran to keep up with him.

Sakura hadn't known Sakiko for long but it felt as if she'd known him her entire life. Two months ago she entered her home after returning from a week long mission to find her parents sitting in the dining room with a girlish looking boy who looked nearly identical to her with the pink hair and stunning emerald eyes. Turned out, Sakiko was a Haruno and a close relative to her family. His mother and aunt were Kizashi's sisters. Their branch of the Haruno family was special because members who possessed a strong chakra affinity were born with cherry blossom hair. Ever since that day, Sakiko has been living with the resident Haruno in the guest room in which he made into his own. Sakura adored the omega as if he were her sibling and easily substituted Ino's absence with his presence. She was happy to finally have someone of her own especially since Sakiko confided in her a lot about his difficulty adjusting to pack life.

The two pinkettes beamed at the world around them, both excited for different reasons. The young kunoichi's eyes flickered over her cousin's attire. She smirked slyly. "You look very sexy for a caveman."

He wore a deerskin tunic that stopped mid thigh with fur covered boots. His dreadlocks were braided into a fishtail and Kiba's hair pin was clipped on the side of his head. "I'm a wolf, not a caveman." He pushed his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. "The Inuzuka are having their annual Hunt this weekend. The entire clan is going. I thought I told you this?"

She snorted and rolled her eyes. "Oh, believe me, I couldn't forget even if I wanted to. You've been bouncing off the walls for the past week raving about your little camping trip."

Smirking, Sakiko elbowed her in the side. "What about you, miss I-woke-up-like-this? You look like an Edo ero princess."

The Haruno girl wore a sky blue kimono with green leaves along the bottom hem. Her face was completely made up with pale foundation and blush. Her long, pink strands were braided and secured in two low buns that were decorated with tiny diamond nets. She said, "It's customary to dress traditionally in the Uchiha clan when presenting oneself as a potential bride."

"You seem relaxed for something as important as this."

"Trust me, I'm not. On the inside I'm panicking, but I have to put on a facade or Fugaku will smell the fear on me. Besides, I have nothing to be worried about. Itachi and I are already engaged."

The thirteen year old boy coughed, "Unofficially."

Sakura added, "Unofficially."

The two Haruno came to a halt at a crossroad. Sakiko hitched his bag on his shoulder and smiled at his cousin. "Well, good luck today with the Uchiha. Hopefully things go according to plan."

The female pinkette smirked. "Oh, it will. And good luck with the other Inuzuka. I better not see a pink lock misplaced on your head when you return or the entire clan is going to face my fury."

"Your love is powerful, Sakura," Sakiko nervously laughed with a sweat dropped. He was lucky to be on the girl's good side because when Sakura was angry she was scary, really scary. The two parted ways soon after. A buzz was in air foreshadowing the future of brighter days and shorter nights.


DISCLAIMER: I made up the lyrics in this story; they are not a translation of what little Shino was singing

Seeing the Moon [EDITED ✔️]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora