XIII. Night Life ✔️

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WARNING: Sexually graphic content in this chapter. If you want to keep your innocence then I will mark the place to skip and start back reading for you with: SKIP and END


Hinata looked over clan documents as she did every morning while her second in command patiently stood beside her desk. Luckily for Kemchi it was a more than productive day since Neji was on a mission and unable to drag Hinata around like a rag doll. She was being oddly cooperative considering she hadn't smoked in two days and got five hours of sleep in the past three days. Kemchi watched closely as his eternal princess expertly went over this month's latest budget forms without a single complaint. Yes, something was definitely off with Hinata today.

Once she finished, he swiftly placed a small stack of official documents in front of her. "These are all from the Yondaime and need to have your stamp of approval before I can send them back."

The young Hyuuga head picked a sheet and closely analyzed its contents before moving along to the next without signing or stamping. Her face contorted from confusion to outright irritation by the time she glanced at the tenth document. "I'm not signing this," she spoke in an eerily quiet voice.

Kemchi blinked. "Pardon?"

Sitting back in her chair, Hinata stared up at the ceiling. "You heard me, Kemchi-kun."

"But hime-"


"What...what do they say?"

There was a pregnant pause. Hinata stood with the papers cradled in her arms and went over to the fireplace located on the right side of the room. Without warning, she flung the entire stack into the furnace. She whispered, "Doesn't matter."

Kemchi was taken aback by the girl's response. This was the quietest Hinata had been since the death of Hiashi. No, this was different, a different Hinata. The one from the past was shy and quiet. This Hinata was stoic and serious. He wondered how he could have gone so long without noticing that the Hinata from before, his Hinata, was no longer with him. She died, but he was unable to figure out exactly when.

Blinking, the thirteen year old hastily flipped through the pages of his clipboard while the girl simply stood there staring into the flames. "Uh, lets see. Oh, um, the clans have replied to your letters, hime."

"Kurama, Houzuki, and Fuuma?"

"Hai," he nodded. "They have all agreed to come visit during the projected date of our clan festival and your unveiling. I honestly thought they gave up on the audience with you since you said you'd speak with them two months ago and pushed the date back."

Hinata continued to stare into the fire. "I believe I know what they all want to discuss now."

"Really? What is it?"

A moment later, Hinata finally turned her head in the boy's direction. She murmured, "There is a new international act being ratified called the Breeding Act."

"What is that?"

Hinata made her way back to her desk and began shuffling the remaining documents into neat piles, signalling she was done with paperwork for the time being. "It is the new law that heirs to clans must begin family building once they turn sixteen."

Kemchi's eyes widened. He'd never heard anything like it before. Konoha was really going along with this? He asked, "Well, what do you think?"

The young girl dragged a hand down her tired face. Her next words sent a tremor down his spine. They sounded so detached, so emotionless like her once bright trademark Hyuuga eyes. "I don't care."

Seeing the Moon [EDITED ✔️]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz