VII. Reconstruction Begins ✔️

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Hinata woke the following morning at six. The sun was just beginning to peak through the shut blinds, casting a thin layer of light across her roommate's peaceful face. She tried to be quiet as she climbed over Kiba but the boy wrapped his arm around her waist and yanked her down.

He said in a groggy voice, "What are you doing?"

The young Hyuuga's cheeks heated at the contact of her face against the boy's bare chest. Kiba's skin felt like a toaster oven. "Kiba-kun," she whispered, "let go."

"No," he muttered, "go back to sleep. It's Saturday."

She tried to yank free but the Inuzuka boy kept a vice grip around the petite girl. Inwardly groaning, Hinata relaxed against him until his breathing evened out. Once she was sure he had fallen back asleep, she slipped from his hold and tiptoed into the bathroom. Hinata showered quickly then hopped out, entering back into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around her. She went into the closet and looked for an outfit appropriate for the day's work ahead. She decided on a pair of spanks that stopped just above her knees coupled with one of Kiba's shirts tied in the back. The girl's hair was now pass her shoulders, leading her to pull it back into a low ponytail and wrap a bandana around her head.

She exited the closet to find Kiba sitting up in bed rubbing his eyes. He looked at her with heavy lidded eyes and a deep set frown. "Why are you dressed like that?"

"I have to do something."

"It's too early, Hinata," whined the boy.

"Go back to sleep."

Kiba pouted. "Hinata?"

"Yes, Kiba-kun?"

"Will you bring me back some tonkatsu?"

She giggled softly. "Fillet or loin?"

He yawned. "Fillet, of course."

Nodding, Hinata inched her way out the door. "Alright, Kiba-kun. I'll bring you some for lunch."

His eyes drooped shut and he flopped back on the mattress. "Yay," he slurred, ending in a soft snore.

Shaking her head, the girl made her way down to the first floor. It was times like these Hinata loved. Kiba was just too adorable. If only he was like that all the time. Her thoughts were stopped short at the bottom of the steps. Tsume was sitting in the living room with Kuromaru's large frame splayed across her lap and Akamaru laying down at her feet.

The Inuzuka Clan head arched an inquisitive eyebrow. "You're up early, Hinata."

The girl nodded, folding her hands behind her back. "Today's the day, Tsume-san."

The woman nodded in understanding. She rasped, "I guess that means you won't be coming around too much now."

Hinata bit her lip. "I have a clan to take care of now."

"That you do. But, please take care of yourself, Hinata. You're too young to stress yourself out. At least while you were here Kiba was keeping an eye on you, making sure you ate and got the right amount of sleep. Managing an entire clan is a whole new ballpark from managing an empty compound. You're gonna have to put everyone else's wellbeing before your own while keeping yourself healthy."

"I understand," bowed Hinata.

Tsume hummed. "I sure hope so. 'Cause now you're juggling school, a clan, and reconstruction all at once. Kami-sama be on your side, girl."

Hinata left the Inuzuka Clan and walked at a leisure pace to her own clan on the opposite end of the village. The sky was bright orange and pale blue, and there were few people about at this time. Shop owners were cleaning up and preparing for opening while ninja returning from missions practically dragged themselves through the village. A gentle breeze blew the leaves on nearby trees away. The young Hyuuga's lips tilted downward.

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