Bell Choker

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Information you must know for the story: Kimi is my own character and not part of the video game. All characters in this book are written to be over 18 years old. The point of view will be yours until further notice. Language will not be appropriate for minors. If you do not appreciate inappropriate content, then please leave now. Do not report, as it would be unnecessary since this story is marked as Mature.  This is a requested Axel x OC story. OC's name: Yukira Sunata.

I swiftly leaped from branch to branch, silencing my breath as I hid from the creature standing out in the open. Hiding behind a thick tree trunk, I glance over and notice it's ears shoot up before he looks in my direction. Impressive as ever, Zxander. I smirk and dash to another part of the tree, trying to lose his focus on me. I remove the bow from my shoulder and pull an arrow from the quiver on my back as I continued to jump to another tree branch. I aim for a tree far ahead and aim, my environment around me momentarily slowing. I release the arrow as it slices through the air and hits it's target. 

Zxander's attention immediately catches the arrow, following it to the tree before looking at the spot where it came from, only for a honed blade to aiming right for his face. Zxander quickly inches backwards, bowing down slightly before letting out a thunderous howl that shook the trees and causing the birds to flee. Immediately after, every inch of his fur hardened to steel, making the blade bounce right off of his forehead. I click my teeth as I hopped onto the ground in front of him. I chuckle and pat his head as his fur returns to normal. "Good job, Zxander. You are always succeeding yourself every time we train. Now, fetch." I sit on the ground as Zxander sprints up a tree, going through the branches. I grab the blade that sat inches from me and scanned it for scratches and dents. I smile as I clean it off and put it back into the sheath that wrapped my thigh. A second later, Zxander lands in front of me, holding a couple of arrows in his mouth.

I pet his head and pull out a few treats for him, placing them on the ground as I take the arrows from his mouth. "Great job! Thanks, Zxander." Zxander smiles and sits, starring at the food. I take out one strip of bacon and start to walk away. "Eat." Zxander quickly starts to scarf down the food as I continue to walk to a nearby river. "Gross, I'm all sweaty from my aim training. I should take a dip." I reach the river and walk up to a large boulder before placing my weapons on it. "Thigh sheath with it's blade, arrows, quiver, bow..." I list everything in my possession, pausing as I try to remember what else I had on me. "Ah, my choker." I touched the bell that hung from the choker with the tip of my finger. The clapper inside the bell was lost long ago, but I felt that the choker was precious to me in the past, so I continue to keep it on me. I remove the choker and place it onto the boulder before walking over to near by trees. I tie a rope onto a low hanging branch from one of the trees onto a branch of the other trees, creating a little clothes line for myself. 

I remove my hood and reveal my glistening white hair as I hang it on the clothes line before lowering my hands and untying the wolf design corset that wrapped around my torso, hanging it up on the line as well. Just as I dropped my slimming black dress from my shoulders, Kimi comes rushing out of the woods and towards me. "Yukira, there you are!" She freezes in her steps and turns around, covering her eyes. "W-Wha.. Kira, what did I tell you about bathing in the river near town? People might see you naked!" I shake my head and hang up the dress before removing my bra and underwear as well. "I was training, since you won't let me have fun and pull pranks around town. I got sweaty, and the river was the closest option. Besides, Zxander will get them before they can even manage to see anything." Kimi uncovers her eyes and meets Zxander's eyes, who was growling at her. Zxander pauses and realizes it was Kimi before quickly sitting and happily swaying his tail back and forth. Kimi chuckles and crouches down, petting and squishing Zxander's face. "Hey, wittle Zxander! How are you doing? Your one pink and one green eye never fail to get any prettier!" I chuckle and tie my hair back, revealing my one blue and one pink eye. I walk into the river and crouch, hiding my body in the cold water. 

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