Request Form (Closed)

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Requests are currently closed.

If you wish to leave a request and it says 'closed', please check frequently for an update on the request form status, or follow my profile. I will announce when they are reopened.

Welcome to my 60 Minutes in Heaven: Kingdom Hearts Edition!

Please read everything before continuing with the stories or leaving a request.

Before you get started on all of the readings I have written for you, I just wanted to let you know that I have a request form to make it easier for me to manage my writing! I also know the struggles of finding the perfect story that has everything you're looking for, so I want to do my best to fulfill all of your reader needs by letting you provide the ideas and I do all of the writing!

I ask you all to please follow the instructions for the request form because I ask all of these questions for a reason. If you want specifics, I would appreciate you fill out the form so I may start planning it out immediately. If you answer only parts of the form and fail to let me know that you want me to handle the rest, depending on how many requests I have, I may or may not ignore your request. Regardless if I do, the lack of complete information makes the process longer as I might take the time to ask you for more information about your request. If I decide not to ask you for the extra information, I'm going to work with exactly what you give me. So if you want lemon and don't specify for lemon, I'm not going to include lemon.

However, if you already know who you would like to request and don't care about the specifics I ask about in this form, then please just leave a comment with:

Who you are requesting for,

The item that will represent your character

If you want your story to be after everything in Kingdom Hearts 3 happened, or before,

And if you want a smut/lemon scene.

If you're not interested in leaving a request, you can skip onto the stories!

When answering the questions to the request form, to prevent any confusion for myself, please provide the number to the question your are answering, and write in full sentences.

Rules for requests:

• You may make more than one request if you are requesting 2 different characters.

• If the character you are requesting has already been written about and you are NOT the one who requested that character the first time, then you may request that same character. In other words, you cannot request 2 different stories for one character. (This rule may change in the future due to popular demand, so don't hesitate to ask if you have something in mind).

• If you gave me specific information for your request and want to make a change to it, please let me know as soon as possible. Your request may not be the next to be written about, but there is a high possibility that I've already started planning it out.

• I currently only take requests for strictly Kingdom Hearts characters, and not characters from other games that make an appearance in the Kingdom Hearts series. However, that also may change depending on demand, so don't hesitate to list whoever you have in mind and I will let you know if I can write about them.

Lemon Kingdom Hearts 60 Minutes in HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now