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Information you must know for the story: Kimi is my own character and not part of the video game. The point of view will be yours until further notice. Language will not be appropriate for minors. If you do not appreciate inappropriate content, please leave now. Do not report, as it would be unnecessary since this story is marked as Mature. Enjoy reading!

I walked up to the door and went to knock on the door when suddenly, my hand collides with a familiar upside down face. I jumped and go to step back until my hand is pulled. I rolled my eyes as he smirks, takes my hand, and lays a gentle kiss on the back of my hand. 

"Hey little lady, didn't know you were attending Kimi's party." He smiles smoothly. I raise an eyebrow as I watched him move as he stands right side up. "Xigbar, you were in charge of Kimi's guest list. Don't play stupid."

 Xigbar chuckles and shrugs, reaching over to grab my ass. "Well, you can't blame me for trying." I chuckled and slapped his hand away. Xigbar always liked to flirt with me and he has liked me ever since I met him, however, he hasn't put too much effort into trying to go after me so I never tried to return the affection. 

Of course, I'm not saying that there isn't any affection there. 

I swiftly move around him and walk through the door, slightly looking back. "Well, we're not here to flirt. How about we enjoy the party?" Looking slightly defeated, he follows behind me and shuts the door. 

Kimi lights up after seeing Xigbar and myself walk through the door and claps her hands together. "Alright, everyone is here now! Xigbar, I can't believe you were late. My guest list planner couldn't even bother to be here sooner and let me know who was coming?" 

Xigbar shrugs, glancing at me every so often. "I was here early, just outside and greeting everyone coming through the door." Luxord scoffs and smirks, looking over at me. "Yeah, and a little extra attempt at greeting _____." I roll my eyes, trying not to let my hidden smile slip. 

Kimi waves it off and continues to set up everything that the guests can do. Food, games, all that stuff. The party was fun for a while. Played a lot of games, like twister, truth or dare, an enormous version of Jenga, and even hide and seek, for the fun of it. Had to stop that though because Xigbar always won by hanging upside down on the ceiling somewhere.

Eventually food was getting low, and so were the games. Kimi sighs and glares at Demyx. "If fatso over here didn't eat most of the food, I probably would have had enough food to last the rest of the party." Demyx smiles cheekily and shrugs his shoulders. "Well, I can confirm it was really good!" I rolled my eyes and Kimi smirks. "Well, now you have to go out and buy more food!" She says as he shoves a list of food his way and pushes him out.

"Hurry back soon, and if you don't bring any food home, you're banned from my home!" He whines as the door is shut, but we see him clearly stomp off in the direction of the nearest grocery store through the window. 

I chuckle and sit around lazily on Kimi's couch. "So while we're waiting for food, what are we gonna do?" Axel asks, coming out of the closet holding a bunch of chip bags. Kimi's mouth drops as she grabs one of the bags. "The fuck Axel, why didn't you say you had food?" Axel chuckles and places the rest of the bags on the table. "I thought it was funny watching Demyx getting kicked out of the party." 

Kimi agrees and stares at the closet for a moment before gasping as if she had an idea. "I got it! 7 minutes in heaven!" Larxene scoffs and lays back in the chair she was sitting it. "These idiots wouldn't get anywhere in 7 minutes. What's the point?" Kimi smiles and points at a bedroom. "Then we change it to an hour, and it'll be in the guest room!" 

Lemon Kingdom Hearts 60 Minutes in HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now