Ariel & Liam: Suprised By An Angel.

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"WOOOOO!" I screamed as my friend Justin poured liquor all over my almost naked body! He was party partner. We were best friends and nothing more of course! I mean he's seen me naked at least six million times. Yeah we were crazy. This party was going to be awesome. It had only been an hour and I was already wasted. The hangover tomorrow will feel pretty damn amazing! I walked over to go dance on the ping pong table as I usually do at parties.

"Ariel, you should put on a shirt!" My friend Marin screamed from the other room. She didn't like the hangovers so she made sure she never got too drunk. She threw me a shirt and a pair of shorts. I put them on knowing that they would be off very soon anyway.

Over at the ping pong table there were a group of five guys who were all cheering about something; probably the game they were playing. Since they were men I thought I would make my way over there and talk to them.

"Hello boys. I'm Ariel, and you are?" Four of them grinned and the other just gave me a blank stare.

"I'm Niall." Said a cute blonde one who was holding a bottle of beer.

"I'm Harry." Said a boy with cute brown curly hair.

"I'm Zayn." Said a boy with dark brown short hair.

"I'm Louis!" Yelled a boy from across the ping pong table with brown floppy hair with a cheekey grin. The other one didn't answer me.

"And you are?" I'm sure he wasn't into girls like me so I just asked who he was to piss him off.

"Liam." He turned around and walked toward Louis.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked the three boys standing next to me.

"Ahh we kind of forced him to come to this party. He's not in a good mood." Niall responded.

After some dancing with those boys I decided it was time to do something daring. We got the idea to go TPing. So Niall, Justin, Louis, Harry, Zayn, Liam and I all got into Louis' car and went TPing. We had to literally drag Liam into the car. We first TPed one of my teachers houses and the rest of the houses we had no idea who lived in them. We got to one house and we started to TP but then a light in the house turned on. Everyone ran but then I ended up tripping. I could not move. I was too drunk to even see anything so I knew that was the end of my fun night. Someone came running back and lifted me and carried me onto the street. I didn't know who it was because I couldn't see because of my drunkeness.

"They left without us." An unfamiliar voice told me. "We can go hide in a park. Gosh I can't believe they made me do this." The person mumbled to himself. But then I realized that it was more than likely Liam.

"Liam?" I mumbled. "Why did you come back for me?"

"Because I know that you are like this for a reason and I don't think you deserve to get in trouble." He explained. I must have passed out because after that everything turned black.

I woke up in a park underneath a slide. Liam was laying next to me; he must have fallen asleep. I shook him to wake him up.

"What time is it?" He mumbled.

"Time to get up." I shot at him. The hangover was kicking in.

"Cranky mu--?" His sentence was cut off by the sound of police sirens. The cops pulled into the park and before I could even think of running away they were telling us to put our hands up. Oh shit.

"We found a phone that belongs to an Ariel Whitt. I assume that's you." One of the officers said to me.

"It wasn't her fault. She was drunk so I made her come with me. It was my idea." Liam suprisinly stook up for me.

"She must have dropped her phone when she fell."

"Well then I'm going to have to take both of you down to the station for questioning." The officer explained.

"Can I just pay the fine right here?" Liam suprised me again.

"Yes, but both of you have to pay your fines." The officer explained again.

Liam handed him a check that he had filled out and he called a cab that drove us both to his house.

"Why did you do that Liam?" I asked him.

"Because I know something is wrong with you and you don't deserve to be punished for something you can't control." Liam explained. I knew exactly what he was talking about.

"I thought you hated me." I told him.

"No, I never hated you. I actually kind of like you now." I assumed he meant as a friend of course.

"Well I'm glad we can be friends then." I explained.

"Oh you wouldn't want to be more than friends?" He asked me. He kind of caught me off gaurd.

"Wait you like me like THAT?" I said shockingly.

Liam walked over and said "Well maybe you can answer that for yourself." And then he kissed me.

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