Niall & Sandra: Until Death Parts Us

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I thought it was just a normal day. I would get dressed like always put on my normal work clothes and head off to work. That's what it was, just a normal day. I headed over to the photography studio where I worked. I was so excited because tonight it was me and my boyfriends two year anniversary together. We were going to have a special dinner at his place but the rest was supposed to be a surprise.

During my lunch break I got a text from Niall to meet him outside of my work. I was a little worried that something was up. I slowly walked out of my studio and slowly up the stairs to the main street where I saw over three hundred people waiting there. I didn't know what to think. Then I heard music start. It was the song Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO. I stood there and watched a girl dance to the music. At first she was alone but then more and more people joined in until everyone was dancing. I wasn't sure if I was supposed to join. I didn't because I didn't know the dance. But I realized I was the only person not dancing.

Later the song ended and as I turned around to walk back to the studio someone poked me on my shoulder. I slowly turned around and Niall was standing there. Everyone was clapping and I didn't know what was going on.

"Happy anniversary." Niall said smiling. Slowly Niall pulled something out of his jacket. He slowly went down on his knee. I soon realized what this was all for. It was all for me! "Will you marry me, Sandra?" he asked showing me a beautiful diamond ring.

I stood there in shock but I couldn't keep him waiting on the ground like that.

I finally snapped out of it and screamed "YES I WILL MARRY YOU NIALL HORAN!"

Niall stood up and I jumped into his arms and gave him the most amazing kiss ever.

I loved him.

6 months later.

This was it. I was all ready for my wedding day. My mother had just finished putting my long black hair in a beautiful up do.

I hadn't seen Niall all day because that's bad luck. Your husband isn't supposed to see you in your wedding dress before the wedding day.

"Honey, you look beautiful." My dad told me as he pulled out a tissue for my mom to stop crying. I couldn't help but admire the beautiful wedding dress I was wearing. I looked like a princess. I obviously felt like one too. I couldn't stop smiling.

"Well I'll see you two during the service. I'm going to take my seat." My mother said as she made her way out to the church. My father and I waited outside of the chapel doors. He was going to walk me down the aisle.

Then the music started. Everyone had already gone out to the chapel. It was my turn. My father slowly walked with me to Niall. The whole way down the aisle I couldn't help but just look at Niall. He looked so handsome and to be honest I just wanted to rip that suit off of him. But that was going to happen later. Ha!

Finally after walking down the long beautiful aisle I found my place right in front with Niall. The service began.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today..." The pastor read.

Niall and I read our vows and it was time for the "I do's".

"Niall Horan do you take Sandra to be your beloved wife in sickness and in health until death parts you?"

"I do." Niall responded with a twinkle in his eye.

"Sandra do you take Niall to be your husband in sickness and in health until death parts you?"

"I do." I replied winking at Niall.

"You may kiss the bride!" The pastor chanted.

Niall lent in and gave me a beautiful kiss.

He picked me up off my feet and ran with me out of the church into our limo. I couldn't help but laugh the whole way there. He sat me down in the limo.

Niall lent into my ear and whispered "We're married."

I turned and gave him a passionate kiss.

"I love you Sandra Horan." He said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Hope it wasn't too short but I hope you liked it. I enjoyed writing it for you. Sorry for the wait.

-Cali :)

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