Little Things Contest: A Part Of Your World

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It was the first day of the eleventh grade for Katie. As she walked threw the school doors she heard the familiar sound of girls screaming. It wasn't a new sound it was the same noise she had been hearing everyday for the past two years. It was just as annoying as it was the first day the boys had joined her school. That's right. One Direction goes to the same school as Katie Dunn. She wanted nothing to do with those boys. Their music was too mainstream and it was meant for girls who were thirteen years old. Not seventeen.

Katie had some time to spare so she went outside for a smoke. Katie didn't have much to worry about since the principal of the school was her dad. He had given up yelling at her. Katie was never close to her parents. After school Katie would go into her room an blast music and about once a week she would smoke her weed. She wasn't a normal girl that's for sure.

While Katie was smoking her second cigarette for the day she heard someone walking up from behind her.

"You know you could get in a lot of trouble for smoking at school." Katie recognized the familiar Irish accent.

"I don't give a fuck." Katie replied flicking him off.

"Do you have a lighter?" He asked.

"Of course." Katie replied. She handed him the lighter. "You smoke? Doesn't it ruin your lungs. I mean you have to have good lungs to sing." Katie was being extremely rude.

"I don't smoke too often. Just when I'm stressed. It relaxes me." Niall explained.

Katie nodded in agreement.

"You're pretty cool. Katie." Niall said taking his last drag.

"How do you know my name famous boy?" Katie asked.

"I'll see you around." Niall said heading back into the school.

Whatever. Katie didn't care. She never did.

After a few classes Katie went to lunch. Katie only had one friend in her school and he was her best friend. His name was Drew Massy.

"And how is your first day going?" Drew asked starting up a conversation. Katie didn't usually start many conversations.

"Ehh. You know." Katie answered.

"God those girls are so fucking annoying." Drew said complaining about the girls screaming about One Direction. "And that Harry guy loves it. But the rest of them are just finished. Hahaha. Katie we should get them some weed. I wonder how different they'd act when their stoned."

"Hahaha!" Katie laughed. "Let's hit them up."

After lunch Katie and Drew went out to smoke.

Katie couldn't stop thinking about her conversation with Niall earlier. She didn't know if she wanted to tell Drew or not.

"I knew I'd find you here." Katie heard the same Irish accent from behind her.

Drew stood up.

"I'm going to go inside." Drew said walking back to the school.

"What do you want Horan?" Katie asked throwing her finished cigarette on the ground.

"I wanna know why a hipster like you just hangs out outside during lunch." Niall explained.

"What am I supposed to do? Listen to those girls scream over you guys. There's a reason I hate this school you know." Katie replied.

"You could come and sit with me and the boys. You could even bring your friend." Niall said. Katie couldn't help but laugh.

Katie packed up her bag and threw the rest of her lunch in the garbage.

"Where are you going?" Niall asked.

"Home. I'm ditching this place." Katie replied.

"Can I come with?" Niall asked.

"No. I'm going to smoke some weed and you don't like that." Katie explained to Niall.

"Okay. All I want to do is spend time with you, Katie! I like you!" Niall confessed.

"Good one." Katie laughed.

Katie hopped the school fence and started walking home.

"I'll pick you up at seven at your house!" Niall yelled as Katie walked away.

"You don't know where I live!" Katie yelled back.

"I'll find out!" He yelled one more time.

Katie just laughed.


"Skipping school?! Now that's just wrong." Katie's mom scolded her.

"Sorry." Katie said but obviously didn't mean it.

"Whatever. I don't know what happened to you! It's Drew. He's made you into this terrible person. You need to hang out with other people!" Katie's mom screamed.

A knock at the door stopped her.

Katie's mom answered the door.

"Katie someone's here for you." Katie's mom yelled.

"Tell Drew to come to my room! Like always!" Katie yelled back.

Katie heard Drew's footsteps coming up to her room. But when he opened the door it wasn't Drew it was Niall.

"Da fuck?!" Katie said surprised.

"I found it. Katie I can't stop thinking about you. You're so unique and I want to be with you. Can you give me a chance?" Niall asked sitting next to Katie on her bed.

"You don't want to be part of me. My life is shit. I do myself. I smoke. You don't want a girl like me." Katie said more serious.

"But I do. I've never been with anyone like you. And that's what makes me want you so bad." Niall explained. "I want to be....part of your world."

"Okay." Katie couldn't help but look into his beautiful blue eyes. She was so shocked he wanted to be with her but she wouldn't pass up the opportunity.

With that Niall grabbed Katie's chin and pulled her lips into his. Niall passionately kissed Katie. She had never had it like that before. She instantly fell for him.

"We got to get out of here it smells like weed. Let's go out to eat." Niall said laughing.

Katie laughed and grabbed her coat and they went on their first date together.

Thanks for reading. I understand it's not the best and there is a possibility I won't win. But I tried to make it unique and different then any other one shot. I tried my best. Hopefully you enjoyed it at least a little bit. :)

Thank you for letting me compete in your contest. <3

-Cali :)

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