Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I was awakened by a little hand holding my nose closed. I bolted up, pushing her hand away, and gasping for air. I felt John next to me start squirming so then I fell on my ass on the floor, next to Julia. John’s sister, not his mother. I looked up to Julia’s smiling face as I pulled the blankets down around me. I wasn’t actually dressed so….yeah.  All that was visible of John was his arm hanging off the edge of the bed. Quickly, I jumped up and back onto John. I landed on his naked hips and, because it was morning and I had the weirdest aim in the book, he just went…..inside of me. Julia giggled when I gasped and she ran out of the room, leaving the door wide open. John of course woke up and saw me on him, smiled. I smiled down started to get back up, at least the close the door, but his hands fell on my hips, holding me in place.

“Please, little girl.” I wrinkled my nose at that.

“Don’t say that. You sound like a pedophile.” He laughed and his body shook with it and it felt so good. I shut my eyes tight, loving the feeling. And wanting it to last. I started to move on him. I bit my lip as I moved and dropped my hands from the blankets held at my chest and pressed them down on Johnny. I heard a gasping sound and the door closed. I knew that his mom had seen us, maybe even both of his sisters hence the door, but I didn’t care then.

After we had it off, we got dressed, John and I headed into the kitchen.

“I think I….I’m gonna leave. That way little Julia gets her bed back and everything is better around here.” John took a deep breath as he spoke to his mother’s back. Bobby, her boyfriend, sat at the table with Julia and Jackie, his daughters I now saw. “Right,” he turned around and headed towards the door, grabbing my hand, and we left. I chanced a glance back before the door closed and saw he mother try to follow us, to bring John back, but Bobby held her back. I looked ahead and sped up to catch up with John as he let go of my hand.

“John,” I called to him as he stormed away. “Joh—!” I yelled, but it was cut off as I returned yet again to my time. I was in the field, not a soul in sight. I sighed and continued the familiar path towards home.

When I got home, I went straight to the kitchen. I hadn’t eaten in ages and hadn’t realized how crazed my stomach was. I raided the fridge and decided on trying the world famous fish fingers and custard I had heard so much about. It was actually pretty good! God, I love custard!

“Elizabeth? Where were you!” my mother stormed in, eyes ablaze.

“Like you care. But I was over at the old Lennon house.” I pulled a coke out of the fridge.

“Why were you there?” I sighed and turned around.

“I don’t know, I wanted to see the culture of the place I was born in?”

“Well, I don’t want you in town. Those people….”

“Those people?” I looked at her, disgusted. “Well, ‘those people’ were your friends. Before you married dad and joined some shite club.” I grabbed my coke and stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind me. How could she say that? That was a horrible thing to say! Like she was better than everyone else. I shook my head and went in the direction of my old friend Cassia’s house.

When I knocked on the door, an older woman appeared.

“Beth? You look so grown up.” I was a bit confused.

“Mrs. Hudson? Oh, wow. It has been awhile, hasn’t it?” she nodded and opened the door wider to let me inside. “Uh, is Cassia here?” Mrs. Hudson nodded, smiling.

“She is in her room, playing those Beatles again.” She shook her head as I turned and fled up the flight of steps.

“Cassia!” I yelled. I sawher head peek out from her bedroom door before she bolted towards me.

“Beth! How are you? Oh my god, I haven’t seen you in forever!” I laughed.

“It’s only been three months. Relax,” I was rocking back on my heels as she hugged me. I pushed her away and smiled. “Oh, Cass, I have something to tell you!” I grabbed her hand and bolted into her room, Beatles blasting. The door closed before I stood there, gathering up the nerve to tell her. Should I? Would she think I was crazy? Of course she would! I couldn’t tell her anything!

“Yeah?” she waited.

“I…uh….have….a boyfriend.” It was the only thing I could think of! And it isn’t really a lie. He did say we were dating.

“Really? What’s his name?” her eyes widened in interest.

“John.” I couldn’t start lying now.

“You really shouldn’t say things like that around me. When you say John, I think John Lennon. Which is impossible.” I looked down. “Right?” I couldn’t look her in the eye. “You’re trying to tell me that your dating John Lennon?” I looked up.

“Sort of.” There goes my secret. “Well, it’s a sort of time travel. Like I’m there and then I’m not. It’s really confusing. And everything is out of order. To him, we have already met. But, I’ve only known him for a little while. But it feels like forever!” I flopped down on her bed.

“Well, there is an easy way to test this. Lets go through his music. He wrote a song about everything. Literally, he wrote about a newspaper. Now, lets see. On Please Please Me, there is….Ask me why, Baby it’s you, Do you want to know a secret, Stay with me, Love me do, P.S. I love you, A tas—“

“What was that you said?”

“P.S. I love you?”

“No. Two before that.”

“Stay with me? You don’t remember that? Okay, let’s play it.” She put the CD on.

Oh girl

Where did you go?

Come back to me my love

Stay with me.

I’ll treat you right

Love you every night

I need you by my side

Come stay with me.

Oh girl

Where did those times go

On my front lawn

Come back to me my love

Stay with me.

“Stop the music.” I asked. It stopped as I tried to hold it together.

“You don’t remember that?” I shook my head. “Okay, maybe you forgot it. If you were in John Lennon’s life, there would be a mention of you. Let’s search it.”

“I have to go.” I tried to get up, but Cassia pushed me back down.

“I’ll not take no for an answer.” She opened her laptop and search ‘Elizabeth Halsey’. Instantly, thousands of links popped up. My eyes widened. Cassia seemed just as shocked, but she clicked a link and up popped a picture of me and John. The label said 1963.

Holy shite!

“I’ll—I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” And I left that house.

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