Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

We were headed back to his house, his arm around my shoulders. It bugged me a little, how possessive it was and all, but somewhat I didn’t care. Some people would look at me strangely, some would outright laugh, and the girls, oh they glared and sneered. I was definitely feeling the heat. But John didn’t seem to notice or care. Soon though, we made it to our destination. But, it wasn’t Mimi’s house, it was his mothers. His smiled was renewed as we walked up the front and knocked on the door. It swung open to a woman with red hair in bouncing curls and a happy smile on her face.

“Julia,” I gasped. She looked confused.

“John, who’s this?” she wondered. Who was this girl with her dream.

“This is me girl, Beth. I thought she should meet you.” Julia smiled again, though it was a bit strained. John pushed through the door, dragging me with him. I showed an apologetic face as he almost threw me into her. Two little girls came running into the room. John let go of me and picked one of the girls up. “Hello, Jackie.” He laughed at the other little girl’s frown and ruffled her hair. I turned to Julia as she closed the door and joined us.

“How long have you known John?” I laughed a bit.

“It seems like forever. But it hasn’t been too long. What would you say, John? About….”

“5 months.” He answered without looking back at me. I smiled at Julia and she did the same. Quickly, she flitted over to record player and put on a song. Rocket 88.

“Come on, Beth! Sing with me!” Julia smiled and grabbed my hand, pulling me up to the carpet-stage. Pretty soon, Julia and I were singing and dancing like idiots. She was so happy and youthful; I saw so much of John in her. John danced with his sisters each separate or together, it changed. When the song ended, a bunch of Beatles songs flooded into my head and I started humming.

“Come on, love. Sing for us!” John smiled encouragingly. And so, I began to sing Twist and Shout. I’m sorry, but it was the only thing close enough to the 50s that I could find. John got up half way through and started shaking it like there was no tomorrow. I literally collapsed in giggles. Then of course, being John Lennon and liking making people suffer in a humorous light, he jumped a the chance and started tickling me.

“John!” I laughed. “Stop it! St—stop! Please!” I couldn’t stop laughing and wiggling around on the floor.

“Tell me ya love me.” He smiled coyly. I of course, wanting this to end.

“I love you!” I almost yelled in giggles. He smiled and kissed me, stopping the tickle fest.

“That’s what I like to here.” He touched my cheek and kissed me again, slower than before. I wanted to grabbed him and have him right there on the floor, but I somehow remembered that we were surrounded by his mum and sisters. I pulled away and smiled. John smiled back and got up off me. Julia cleared her throat and we all laughed and sang and danced and just had a great time.

Night time came quickly though, and soon, we all had to go to bed. John and Mimi had had a fight after I left was staying with his mum so he and I just went into little Julia’s room where he was staying. Julia was staying with Jackie so she wasn’t too bad off, though I know that John felt bad for taking her bed. It was about midnight and we just lay there, trying to sleep when noises, sex noises, start coming from older Julia’s room. John look very disturbed, so I tried my best to be seductive and apparently it worked.

“We could make some noises of our own, you know. It would drown them out at least.” He nodded. He slid on top of me and…yeah. I knew he wanted the noises in his mother’s room to disappear, so I was loud as possible without embarrassing myself. Even though I was screwing 1965’s sexiest man alive, my mind still whirred. He was loud as well. And we carried on long after they finished. I sat on top last so when we were both finished, I simply fell onto him. He wrapped his arms around me and fell asleep basically right after that.

“John,” I whispered. I thought he was asleep, but apparently not.


“I’m sorry about what happened with Mimi.” He chuckled.

“Why? It wasn’t your fault.”

“Yeah, but,” how to explain it. “I think you two should talk. And then little Julia could get her bed back.” I smiled, but I didn’t think he found it very funny. “You remember that night when you found me on your porch? And you basically tackled me to the ground in kisses?”

“Yes. It was only two weeks ago.” I nodded.

“We should have more moments like that. I mean, when we got inside and I pounced on you?”

“Yes,” I heard the smile there now. “We should.” He sighed. “I’ll apologize to Mimi tomorrow. Then we can screw around in my bed again.” He squeezed me closer and I kissed him.

“K. Now catch some sleep. You’ll need it.” I flirted. He kissed the top of my head and we fell asleep again

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