Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

After my little ‘episode’ on the train, I disembarked and headed straight out the station. There was a man holding a card with my name, but suddenly, I felt like walking. All my bags had been shipped ahead so they already were at home. All I had was the bag on my back so I slipped it onto my shoulders and walked past the driver. He must have been new because he didn’t even recognize me.  I smiled to myself and headed down the old familiar roads.

Taking the long way back, and wanting to see my old favorites, I passed by many old Liverpool favorites. I did go by what use to be an old soda shop or something, and went inside just to see if I could see what they did 50 years ago. Hey, I was feeling nostalgic, and after what happened, I’m just happy I wasn’t skipping through a field raving about how I fucked John Lennon with a rake. But anyway, I go inside and guess where I am? The store, of course, but back when it was a soda shop! The place was filled with girl in skirts and awkward 50s shirts and guys in rolled up jeans and leather jackets, with the duck arse hair! I must have looked SO out of place, and trust me, they let me know it. They all stared and the noise quieted down. I stumbled back a few steps and flew out the door. You would expect me to go home, back to my Liverpool, but no. In fact, I almost get hit by a car! Lucky me, huh?

Everything looked so different! The styles, the cars, the people, everything! And then, of course, who else would I see but John freggin Lennon? He was still with the girl, the brunette in the dress, and they were still laughing. Actually, the setting was the only thing to change. And sure enough, when he looked up, smiling, that awesome smile dropped. His hands fell out of his pockets and he began marching towards me, seemingly very angry.

“John?” the girl called. He didn’t hear her, or didn’t want to, I don’t know. He loomed closer, so close that I could see the fury in his eyes. That made me flinch, thinking he was going to hit me, but instead, the big goon kissed me. His lips securely locked onto mine for a minute. I was in utter shock of myself that it took me a minute to realize I was kissing a dead man and push him away.

“What the hell, Lennon?” I threw at him. All he looked now was hurt.

“You left.” He stated.

“What? I don’t even know you!” that wasn’t entirely true. I knew almost his entire life, right down to the day, practically, which generally made me feel like a creeper, but anyway.

“And yet you know my name. Strange how these things happen.” He grabbed for my hand and succeeded. Okay, I know this is going to sound stupid, but I tried hard to pull my hand away, but he was really strong. I know, I know. It is every Lennon fans dream to touch him, any part of him, but right now, I just felt violanted.

“John, let go.” I pulled again, but he just held tighter.

“Beth, what’s gotten into you?” he seemed genuinely concerned. And, I never told him my name. So how did he….

“Nothing much, just hangin around, being rape kissed, that sort of thing.” Obviously my dry humor was not to his liking. He frowned and dropped my hand. Instantly my heart broke. I hurt his feelings. Now what am I supposed to do? I took his hand again and smiled. “I’m sorry,” I looked down. “I’m just….really tired.” He was smiling when I looked back up. He kissed me again, but this time, nicer; sweeter. When he pulled away, I had only time to turn my head forward before I was thrown to the ground. Something pulled at my hair so I grabbed it. A hand. I could deal with that. I dug my nails into the hand and I was yanked away. I threw the person off of me and stood up.

“That’s what you get for messing with London, bitch.” I murmured and started to walk away.

“Beth, wait. Hold on,” John held my hand again and I smiled sadly at him.

“I’m sorry, John. But really, this is the first time I have met you. So, I think that if your keep up with this,” I held up our intwined hands. “You might want to get to know this.” I pointed to myself. He looked stunned but held back as much laughter as he could and nodded.

“Okay then. Impress upon me, who is this delicate flower of which people call….?”

“Elizabeth Halsey.”

“Yes. This delicate flower people grace with the name Elizabeth Halsey.” I rolled my eyes and waited. “Fine. Next, tell me where you are from and what you like to do. No, wait. Can I try?” I giggled.

“Sure, Lennon. Try.” He cleared his throat and began.

“You were born here in Liverpool, go to boarding schools in London, rich parents, and you like to play the guitar in your spare time. Have I left anything out?”

“Went to.” I corrected.


“I went to boarding schools. I got kicked out.” John laughed and I thought it was the greatest thing I had ever heard. Not that weird laugh like in Help!, but a proper one. Like in that Youtube video where he put in the head phones and they say talk and he says talk into the microphone and cracks up real proper.

“Well. That was unexpected. So do you still think I don’t know you?” he pulled a bit closer to me. Part of me, the logical, this-can’t-be-real part, wanted to pull away. The other half, the romantic or whatever you want to call her, she wanted to rip his clothes off right there and then. Ah! I know what it’s called! The Beatle Fan side.

“No. I mean, yes. I still think you don’t know me. It was a lucky guess, that’s all.” I backed away and let my hand slip a little. He gripped my fingers tight and smiled.

“You play the funniest games, girl.” He sighed. “I still can’t believe your back.” John hugged me. I didn’t protest too much. I lightly nudged him away for a moment.

“How long exactly have I been away?” he gave me a puzzled look so I decided to play it up a bit. “It has just been so long; the days started to blur together.” He chuckled.

“About…three months.” He hugged me again and, on instinct now, I hugged him back. He pulled back and kissed me. And I let him. He was probably, what, seventeen? So he just or is about to lose his mum, his girlfriend disappeared and I looked like her. I would say, that at least for a little while, this kid needed a break. But so did I right then. It had been one of the most confusing days of my life. No, THE most confusing. And now I’m being kissed by John freaking Lennon! No way! This is amazing!

John regretfully leaned away, smiling. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and I leaned into it. Okay, so my icy exterior was melting. Big whoop. I was just doing this to make him feel better anyways.

“That’s right. Three months. And…how’s your mum?” he shrugged it off, obviously bothered.

“The same as ever.” Yes, because that really helps, God of Hot, Sexy Awesomness. There, I said it! Someone had to. “She is…..confusing.”

“Sorry,” he made a ‘psshh’ sound.

“It’s not your fault. But you can try to make feel better. I know you were great at it before.” I smiled. We passed by a tree, noting particular about this tree. It was just a tree, plain as day. But as we passed it, I was suddenly back in my time, with cars buzzing around all the time, people shouting at each other, all that good stuff.

My head whipped back and forth, looking for John.

“What the frack just happened?”

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